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        Windows 7 - System32 文件夹 - java.exe

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                  本文介绍了Windows 7 - System32 文件夹 - java.exe的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我在 SO 上发现了一些类似的问题,但是

                  I found a few similar questions here on SO but
                  none of them seems to provide an actual answer.


                   Directory of C:JavaBit64
                  01/19/2014  05:40 AM    <DIR>          .
                  01/19/2014  05:40 AM    <DIR>          ..
                  10/18/2013  07:53 AM    <DIR>          jdk1.6.0_45
                  01/19/2014  05:42 AM    <DIR>          jdk1.7.0_51
                  10/16/2013  03:15 PM    <DIR>          jre1.6.0_45
                  01/19/2014  05:40 AM    <DIR>          jre1.7.0_51
                                 0 File(s)              0 bytes
                                 6 Dir(s)  45,369,233,408 bytes free

                  我希望我的 Java 6 版本成为默认版本.

                  I want my Java 6 version to be the default one.

                  不幸的是,在 C:WindowsSystem32 我还有一些其他的
                  我不确定我何时以及如何安装的 java.exe.

                  Unfortunately in C:WindowsSystem32 I have some other
                  java.exe which I am not sure when and how was installed by me.

                  C:WindowsSystem32>dir jav*
                   Volume in drive C is OS
                   Volume Serial Number is xxxx-yyyy
                   Directory of C:WindowsSystem32
                  01/19/2014  05:40 AM           189,352 java.exe
                  01/19/2014  05:40 AM           189,352 javaw.exe
                  01/19/2014  05:40 AM           312,744 javaws.exe
                                 3 File(s)        731,896 bytes
                                 0 Dir(s)  45,369,040,896 bytes free

                  不幸的是,我什至无法重命名 System32 中的 java.exe.

                  Unfortunately I cannot even rename the java.exe in System32.

                      C:WindowsSystem32>move java.exe  java___exe
                      Access is denied.
                              0 file(s) moved.

                  我记得在 Java 中对此有一些选项

                  I recall there were some options for this in the Java
                  Control panel but I am not sure which ones exactly.


                  (1) 如何以正确的方式将我的 Java 6 设为默认版本?

                  (1) How do I make my Java 6 the default one in the right way?

                  我不确定我是否要在 PATH %java_home%in 之前
                  C:WindowsSystem32.但即使我这样做,它仍然会选择 Java 7.

                  I am not sure I want to put on my PATH %java_home%in before
                  C:WindowsSystem32. But even if I do this, it still picks up Java 7.

                  (2) 为什么?!

                  (3) 如果我重新安装这两个版本会有帮助吗?

                  (3) If I reinstall both versions will it help?

                  编辑 1:


                  This is the most weird thing (I tried that based
                  on a few comments posted under this question).

                      C:>echo %java_home%
                      C:>echo %path%
                      C:>java -version
                      Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF8
                      java version "1.7.0_51"
                      Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_51-b13)
                      Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)

                  编辑 2:

                  好的,我卸载了两个 JDK.然后我安装了 JDK 7 和
                  JDK 6(没有任何公共 JRE).而且我在7后安装了6.

                  OK, I uninstalled both JDKs. Then I installed JDK 7 and
                  JDK 6 (without any public JREs). And I installed 6 after 7.

                  (4) 有谁知道这个关键的当前版本"是什么意思
                  1.6 因为我安装了 JDK 6 秒.不过,现在我没有
                  看到任何问题,JDK 6 是默认的,我猜是由于 %java_home%in
                  成为%path% 上的第一件事.

                  (4) Does anyone know what this key 'current version' means
                  and which program uses it? I was expecting it to be set to
                  1.6 as I installed JDK 6 second. Still, right now I don't
                  see any issues, JDK 6 is default, I guess due to %java_home%in
                  being the very first thing on the %path%.


                  a_horse_with_no_name 的建议解决了我的问题.

                  What a_horse_with_no_name suggested fixed my problem.

                  我卸载了两个 JDK(6 和 7),然后我重新安装了两个没有
                  检查安装公共 JRE"选项.这真的解决了一切.现在行为是完全可以预测的(我可以通过按照我想要的方式设置我的 Windows PATH 来控制它).
                  另外,我的 System32 文件夹中没有任何 java.exe.

                  I uninstalled both JDKs (6 and 7), then I reinstalled both of them without
                  checking the 'install public JRE' option. This really fixed everything. Now the behavior is totally predictable (I can control it with setting my Windows PATH in the way I want).
                  Also, I don't have any java.exe in my System32 folder.


                  Posting this answer here just so that others could benefit from it.

                  这篇关于Windows 7 - System32 文件夹 - java.exe的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:Launch4j、NSIS 和重复固定的 Windows 7 任务栏图标 下一篇:JavaExe 和 Java 应用程序作为与桌面交互的 Windows 系统服务


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