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      2. 替换 JavaFX GridPane 中 (row,col) 处的节点

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                  <legend id='FfPNB'><style id='FfPNB'><dir id='FfPNB'><q id='FfPNB'></q></dir></style></legend>
                  本文介绍了替换 JavaFX GridPane 中 (row,col) 处的节点的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在制作一个基于错误感知"和进食的网格式游戏/模拟.我正在使用标签的 gridPane(称为 worldGrid)来显示错误和食物的网格.当错误将细胞移向食物等时,这显然会不断更新.

                  I am making a grid-style game/simulation based on bugs "sensing" and eating food. I am using a gridPane (called worldGrid) of labels to show the grid of bugs and food. This is obviously going to be constantly updated when a bug moves cells towards food etc.

                  我目前有一个函数updateGrid(int col, int row, String cellContent),我想用在cellContent 中包含新文本的标签替换[row,col] 处的标签.

                  I currently have a function updateGrid(int col, int row, String cellContent) which I want to replace the label at [row,col] with a label that has the new text in cellContent.


                  worldGrid.add(new Label(cellContent), row,col);

                  但是我担心这只是在当前标签之上添加一个标签,显然超过 100 次模拟迭代并不理想.

                  however im worried that that is just adding a label on top of the current label and obviously over 100 iterations of the simulation thats not ideal.


                  I have tried this before adding the label:


                  但是,当我尝试执行 add 行时,我得到了一个 IllegalArgumentException.

                  However I then get an IllegalArgumentException when trying to do the add line.


                  Any ideas on how to do this? Or even better, any ideas on how best to show a constantly changing grid that will eventually use sprites instead of text?


                  grid.add(node, col, row) 提供的col/row(注意先来col!)只是一个布局约束.这不提供任何访问列或行的方法,如二维数组中的插槽.所以要替换一个节点,你必须知道它的对象本身,例如在单独的数组中记住它们.

                  The col/row provided by grid.add(node, col, row) (ATTENTION first comes col!) is only a layout constraint. This does not provide any means to access columns or rows like slots in a 2-dimensional array. So to replace a node, you have to know its object itself, e.g. remember them in a separate array.

                  然后你就可以调用 getChildren().remove(object)... 例如:

                  Then you are able to call getChildren().remove(object)... e.g.:

                  GridPane grid = new GridPane();
                  Label first = new Label("first");
                  Label second = new Label("second");
                  grid.add(first,  1,  1);
                  grid.add(second,  2,  2);
                  second.setOnMouseClicked(e -> {
                      grid.add(new Label("last"), 2, 2);

                  这篇关于替换 JavaFX GridPane 中 (row,col) 处的节点的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:在螺旋中写一个字符串 下一篇:如何根据二维数组上的特定位置获取网格单元的状态


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