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      1. spring-data-mongo - 可选查询参数?


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                  本文介绍了spring-data-mongo - 可选查询参数?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我将 spring-data mongo 与基于 JSON 的查询方法一起使用,但不确定如何在搜索查询中允许可选参数.

                  I am using spring-data mongo with the JSON based query methods, and am unsure how to allow optional parameters in a search query.

                  例如 - 假设我有以下功能

                  For instance - say I had the following function

                  @Query("{ 'name' : {$regex : ?0, $options : 'i'}, 'createdDate' : {$gte : ?1, $lt : ?2 }} }")
                  List<MyItem> getItemsLikeNameByDateRange(String name, Date startDateRange, Date endDateRange);

                  -但我不想应用名称正则表达式匹配,或者如果将 NULL 值传递给方法,则不应用日期范围限制.

                  -but I didnt want to apply the name regex match, or not apply a date range restriction if NULL values were passed to the method.

                  目前看来我可能必须使用 mongoTemplate 构建查询.

                  At the moment it looks like I might have to build the query using the mongoTemplate.

                  是否有任何替代方案 - 或者使用 mongoTemplate 是最佳选择?

                  Are there any alternatives - or is using mongoTemplate the best option?




                  To implement this in Boolean logic I do the following and the conversion to operations that are available in programming languages

                  :query != null -> field == :query
                  !(:query != null) || (field == :query)
                  (:query == null) || (field == :query)

                  在普通的 SQL 中,这是这样完成的

                  In plain SQL, this is done as

                  where (null = :query) or (field = :query)

                  在 MongoDB 中,这是通过 $where 完成的

                  In MongoDB this is done through the $where

                  { $where: '?0 == null || this.field == ?0' } 

                  我们可以通过使用 Mongo 操作来加快速度一点,而不是以牺牲一些可读性为代价构建函数的所有内容.不幸的是,它不起作用.

                  We can speed this up a little by using Mongo Operations rather than building everything to the function at the expense of some readability. does not work unfortunately.

                  { $or : [ { $where: '?0 == null' } , { field : ?0 } ] } 


                  @Query("{ $or : [ { $where: '?0 == null' } , { field : ?0 } ] }")
                  List<Something> findAll(String query, Pageable pageable);

                  这可以进一步扩展为处理 in/all 子句的数组

                  This can be further expanded to handle arrays for in/all clauses

                  @Query("{ $or : [ { $where: '?0.length == 0' } , { field : { $in : ?0 } } ] }")
                  List<Something> findAll(String query, Pageable pageable);

                  这篇关于spring-data-mongo - 可选查询参数?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:带有分页的 Spring-Data FETCH JOIN 不起作用 下一篇:Spring Data JPA:通过示例查询?


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