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      1. 使用 json 解析实体时休眠部分更新


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                1. 本文介绍了使用 json 解析实体时休眠部分更新的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有一个非常简单的 mysql 记录,如下所示:

                  I have a pretty simple mysql record like this:

                  | id   |  name | password  |
                  | 1    | John  | d0c91f13f |
                   ...      ...     ...


                  And here is its hibernate entity; nothing fancy

                  @Table(name = "user", schema = "", catalog = "trade")
                  public class UserEntity{
                       private long id;
                       private String name;
                       private String password;
                       @Column(name = "id")
                       public long getId(){
                            return id;
                       public void setId(long id){
                            this.id = id;
                       @Column(name = "name")
                       public String getName(){
                            return name;
                       public void setName(String name){
                            this.name = name;
                       @Column(name = "password")
                       public String getPasswrod(){
                            return password;
                       public void setPassword(String password){
                            this.password = password;


                  For convenience, I use Gson to parse the entity from json string which front-end passed in.
                  The json string for the record is like this:

                  {"id":1, "name":"John", "password":"d0c91f13f"}


                  then userEntity will be parsed from the json String:

                  UserEntity userEntity = gson.fromJson(userJson, UserEntity.class);

                  我可以使用 Session.save(userEntity)Session.update(userEntity) 插入或更新用户.

                  I can insert or update the user with Session.save(userEntity) and Session.update(userEntity).

                  如果每个字段都包含在 json 字符串中,那么事情似乎按预期进行.但是当某些字段,例如 password 被省略时:

                  If every field is contained in the json string, then things seemed goes as expected. But when some field, such as password is omitted:

                  {"id":1, "name":"John Smith"}

                  这表明我应该进行部分更新并且不修改省略的字段,但出现了问题.因为解析过程会将 password 设置为 Null.并将其更新到数据库中.

                  which indicated that I should make a partial update and leave the omitted field not modified, things went wrong. Because the parsing procedure will set password to Null. and update it to the database.


                  So, is there a solution to partially update the record in this case?


                  Going through every field and setting fields one by one will be the last option; anything other than that?




                  1,Suppose you can deserialized srcUserEntity by:

                  UserEntity srcUserEntity = gson.fromJson(userJson, UserEntity.class);

                  2、可以利用spring的BeanUtil的copy properties方法.

                  2, You can leverage spring's BeanUtil's copy properties method.

                  BeanUtils.copyProperties(srcUserEntity, desUserEntity, SpringBeanUtil.getNullPropertyNames(srcUserEntity));

                  3,在你的 Dao 层,只需先从数据库中获取模型,然后更新需要更新的属性,最后更新.参考代码如下:

                  3, In your Dao layer, just fetch the model from Database first, then update the properties needs to be updated only, lastly update. Refer to codes as below:

                  Session currentSession =  sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
                  UserEntity modelInDB = (UserEntity)currentSession.get(UserEntity.class, user.getId());
                  //Set properties that needs to update in DB, ignore others are null.
                  BeanUtils.copyProperties(productStatusModelForPatch, modelInDB, SpringBeanUtil.getNullPropertyNames(productStatusModelForPatch));

                  4、getNullPropertyNames()方法请参考[如何使用springframework BeanUtils copyProperties忽略空值?(已解决)

                  4, for getNullPropertyNames() method, please refer to [How to ignore null values using springframework BeanUtils copyProperties? (Solved)

                  public static String[] getNullPropertyNames (Object source) {
                  final BeanWrapper src = new BeanWrapperImpl(source);
                  java.beans.PropertyDescriptor[] pds = src.getPropertyDescriptors();
                  Set<String> emptyNames = new HashSet<String>();
                  for(java.beans.PropertyDescriptor pd : pds) {
                      Object srcValue = src.getPropertyValue(pd.getName());
                      if (srcValue == null) emptyNames.add(pd.getName());
                  String[] result = new String[emptyNames.size()];
                  return emptyNames.toArray(result); 
                  // then use Spring BeanUtils to copy and ignore null
                  public static void myCopyProperties(Object, src, Object target) {
                      BeanUtils.copyProperties(src, target, getNullPropertyNames(src))

                  这篇关于使用 json 解析实体时休眠部分更新的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:java - MySql 中的多个更新语句 下一篇:如何提高使用 JPA 更新数据的性能


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