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        如何对各个字段进行 LDAP 搜索


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                • 本文介绍了如何对各个字段进行 LDAP 搜索的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我需要在身份验证后从 LDAP 中检索各种值,例如 Description、Office 等.

                  I have a requirement of retrieving various values such as Description, Office, etc. from LDAP after authentication.


                  I have been able to complete the authentication but i am not able to retrieve other values.


                  what names should i use to retrieve the complete data??



                      public boolean authenticate(String userid, String pass, String domain) {
                          boolean retval = false;
                          String searchFilter ="(&(objectClass=user)(" + LDAP_UID_ATTR + "=" + userid + "))";
                          try {
                              System.out.println("Start: getLDAPAttrs");
                              NamingEnumeration answer =
                                  getLDAPAttrs(userid, pass, searchFilter, domain);
                              String uid = "";
                              while (answer.hasMoreElements()) {
                                  SearchResult sr = (SearchResult)answer.next();
                                  Attributes attrs = sr.getAttributes();
                                  try {
                                      uid = attrs.get(LDAP_UID_ATTR).toString();
                                      System.out.println("uid: " + uid);
                                      uid = uid.substring(uid.indexOf(':') + 2);
                                  } catch (Exception err) {
                  //                    uid = "";
                                  // verify userid
                                  if (userid.equalsIgnoreCase(uid)) {
                                      retval = true;
                          } catch (NamingException ne) {
                              System.out.println("In authenticateWithLDAP, LDAP Authentication NamingException : " +
                          } catch (Exception ex) {
                              System.out.println("In authenticateWithLDAP, LDAP Authentication Exception : " +
                          return retval;
                          //        return retval;
                      private NamingEnumeration getLDAPAttrs(String userid, String pass,
                                                             String searchFilter,
                                                             String domain) throws NamingException,
                                                                                   Exception {
                          String host = getServerName();
                          String port = getIP_Port();
                          String dcPart1 = getDcPart1();
                          String dcPart2 = getDcPart2();
                  //        String attrUserID = getLDAP_UID_ATTR();
                  //        String attrUserName = getLDAP_UNAME_ATTR();
                          // set attribute names to obtain value of
                          String[] returnedAtts = { "sAMAccountName", "cn","mail" };
                          SearchControls searchCtls = new SearchControls();
                          // specify the search scope
                          // set search base
                          String searchBase = "DC=" + dcPart1 + ",DC=" + dcPart2;
                          // set ldap env values
                          Hashtable environment = new Hashtable();
                          environment.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://" + host + ":" + port);
                          environment.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
                          environment.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, userid + "@" + domain);
                          environment.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, pass);
                          // set ldap context
                          DirContext ctxGC = new InitialDirContext(environment);
                          // perform search to obtain values
                          NamingEnumeration answer =
                              ctxGC.search(searchBase, searchFilter, searchCtls);
                          return answer;


                  LDAP 客户端通过向服务器发送搜索请求然后读取服务器的响应来检索属性值(在问题中称为字段").搜索请求至少包含以下组件:

                  An LDAP client retrieves attribute values (referred to as "fields" in the question) by transmitting a search request to the server and then reading the server's response. A search request consists of at a minimum the following components:

                  • 基本 DN - 开始搜索的对象.不返回高于基本 DN 的对象
                  • scope - 搜索的范围;这是 baseonesubtree
                  • filter - 限制服务器返回的条目的过滤器

                  此外,请求的属性列表可以与搜索请求一起传输.如果未提供请求的属性列表,许多 LDAP SDK 将仅返回所有用户属性而不返回操作属性.在这种情况下,请求属性 descriptionoffice 以及任何其他所需的属性.

                  Additionally, a list of requested attributes can be transmitted with the search request. Many LDAP SDKs will simply return all user attributes and no operational attributes if no requested attributes list is provided. In this case, request the attributes description and office and any others that are required.

                  符合 LDAP 的服务器强制执行访问控制方案,这可能会导致服务器不返回某些属性.请咨询 LDAP 管理员以确定 LDAP 客户端连接的身份验证状态是否有权访问所需的属性.

                  LDAP-compliant servers enforce an access control scheme which might cause the server to not return certain attributes. Consult with the LDAP administrators to determine if the authentication state of the LDAP client connections have permission to access the attributes desired.

                  • LDAP:使用 ldapsearch:本文参考 ldapsearch 命令行工具,但概念与编程访问相同.
                  • LDAP: Using ldapsearch: this article refers to the ldapsearch command line tool, but the concepts are the same as for programmatic access.

                  这篇关于如何对各个字段进行 LDAP 搜索的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何使用 JNDI 和 Digest-MD5 对 LDAP 进行身份验证 下一篇:使用 JNDI 添加 LDAP 条目


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