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      1. 如何使用 JavaMail API 接收已发送电子邮件的确认?

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                  本文介绍了如何使用 JavaMail API 接收已发送电子邮件的确认?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在编写一个程序,它发送电子邮件并想知道接收者何时收到我发送给他的电子邮件.如何使用 JavaMail API 做到这一点?

                  I'm writing a program, that sends email messages and want to know when the receiver receives the email message I've sent to him. How can I do this using JavaMail API?

                  如果我使用 SMTPMessage,我设置了通知选项后,具体如何处理结果?

                  If I use SMTPMessage, how exactly to deal with the result after I've set the notify options?

                  SMTPMessage smtpMsg = new SMTPMessage(msg);



                  There is no standard way of doing this that's accepted and honored across the board. I see that you have some options, though:

                  • 在值中添加带有您的电子邮件地址的标题Return-Receipt-To".如果电子邮件的收件人有一个认可此标头的客户,则在打开电子邮件时会向您发送回执.请注意,这并不可靠,因为用户总是可以决定不发送收据,即使他有支持它的客户端.

                  • Add a header "Return-Receipt-To" with your e-mail address in the value. If the recipient of the e-mail has a client which honors this header, then a return receipt will be sent to you when the e-mail is opened. This is not reliable, mind you, as the user can always decide not to send the receipt, even if he has a client that supports it.


                  Add an image into your e-mail that loads from your server and put a parameter on the image that includes the user's e-mail address. When the e-mail loads, the image will load from your server. Write a script that collects the e-mail parameter and then delivers a blank image. This is also not reliable, however, as many mail clients prompt users if they wish to download images and they can always choose not to. Also, some (mostly older) e-mail clients do not support images.


                  Perhaps the most reliable way is not to include the message in your e-mail at all. Include only a link to a website where the message can be read, and include their e-mail address or a unique code in the link. This way, you know exactly who read the message. Of course, this has the downside that people aren't actually getting the message in their inbox, and they also may choose not to go to the website to read it.


                  Ultimately, I think you're going to have to come up with a creative solution to solve this problem, unless you're happy getting spotty results.

                  这篇关于如何使用 JavaMail API 接收已发送电子邮件的确认?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:Javamail 中的线程安全 下一篇:向 Gmail 帐户发送邮件


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