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      1. 支持在 HotSpot JVM 中删除压缩字符串?

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                  本文介绍了支持在 HotSpot JVM 中删除压缩字符串?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  在此 Oracle 页面上 Java HotSpot VM 选项,它会将 -XX:+UseCompressedStrings 列为可用且默认开启.但是在 Java 6 update 29 中,默认情况下它是关闭的,而在 Java 7 update 2 中它会报告警告

                  On this Oracle page Java HotSpot VM Options, it lists -XX:+UseCompressedStrings as being available and on by default. However in Java 6 update 29, it is off by default and in Java 7 update 2 it reports a warning

                  Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option UseCompressedStrings; support was removed in 7.0


                  Does anyone know the thinking behind removing this option?


                  使用 -mx2g,此示例在 Java 6 更新 29 中启用该选项需要 4.541 秒,禁用该选项需要 5.206 秒.很难看出它会影响性能.

                  With -mx2g, this example took 4.541 seconds with the option on and 5.206 second with it off in Java 6 update 29. It is hard to see that it impacts performance.

                  注意:Java 7 更新 2 需要 2.0 G,而没有压缩字符串的 Java 6 更新 29 需要 1.8 GB,压缩字符串只需要 1.0 GB.

                  Note: Java 7 update 2 requires 2.0 G whereas Java 6 update 29 without compressed strings requires 1.8 GB and with compressed string requires only 1.0 GB.


                  最初,添加此选项是为了提高 SPECjBB 性能.这些增益是由于处理器和 DRAM 之间的内存带宽要求降低所致.在 byte[] 中加载和存储字节消耗的带宽是 char[] 中 char 的 1/2.

                  Originally, this option was added to improve SPECjBB performance. The gains are due to reduced memory bandwidth requirements between the processor and DRAM. Loading and storing bytes in the byte[] consumes 1/2 the bandwidth versus chars in the char[].

                  但是,这是有代价的.代码必须确定内部数组是 byte[] 还是 char[].这需要 CPU 时间,如果工作负载不受内存带宽限制,则可能会导致性能下降.由于增加了复杂性,还有代码维护费用.

                  However, this comes at a price. The code has to determine if the internal array is a byte[] or char[]. This takes CPU time and if the workload is not memory bandwidth constrained, it can cause a performance regression. There is also a code maintenance price due to the added complexity.

                  因为没有足够多的类似生产的工作负载显示出显着的收益(也许 SPECjBB 除外),所以删除了该选项.

                  Because there weren't enough production-like workloads that showed significant gains (except perhaps SPECjBB), the option was removed.

                  这还有另一个角度.该选项减少了堆使用.对于适用的字符串,它将这些字符串的内存使用量减少了 1/2.在移除选项时没有考虑这个角度.对于内存容量受限的工作负载(即必须在有限的堆空间下运行并且 GC 需要大量时间),此选项可能很有用.

                  There is another angle to this. The option reduces heap usage. For applicable Strings, it reduces the memory usage of those Strings by 1/2. This angle wasn't considered at the time of option removal. For workloads that are memory capacity constrained (i.e. have to run with limited heap space and GC takes a lot of time), this option can prove useful.


                  If enough memory capacity constrained production-like workloads can be found to justify the option's inclusion, then maybe the option will be brought back.

                  2013 年 3 月 20 日服务器堆转储平均使用 25% 的字符串空间.大多数字符串都是可压缩的.如果重新引入该选项,它可以节省一半的空间(例如~12%)!

                  Edit 3/20/2013: An average server heap dump uses 25% of the space on Strings. Most Strings are compressible. If the option is reintroduced, it could save half of this space (e.g. ~12%)!

                  2016 年 3 月 10 日 JDK 9 中将恢复类似于压缩字符串的功能 JEP 254.

                  Edit 3/10/2016: A feature similar to compressed strings is coming back in JDK 9 JEP 254.

                  这篇关于支持在 HotSpot JVM 中删除压缩字符串?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:Java 内存解释 (SUN JVM) 下一篇:Java 详细类加载


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