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                  你能回答我一个关于 JVM 垃圾收集过程的问题吗?

                  Could you please answer me a question about JVM Garbage Collection process?


                  Why is heap divided into Eden, Survivor spaces and Old Generation?


                  When a young evacuation is processed objects are visited through references starting from the roots to find out unreachable ones. Reachable objects are marked as ‘alive’ and unreachable are not marked and will be eliminated.

                  因此,考虑 ALL 个对象,包括在老年代分配的对象,如果它们可达,也会被访问和标记.

                  As a result, ALL objects are considered, including objects allocated in Old Generation are also visited and marked if they are reachable.


                  As I understand reclaiming Young Generation and Old Generation at once is demanding because these generations are located in different contiguous parts of memory.

                  但是,即使在 Young 疏散级别上进行了最简单的标记之后,如果所有可到达和不可到达的对象都已知并且可以删除,那么为什么我们需要这种划分?

                  But why do we need this division if even after the simplest marking on the Young evacuation level we have the entire bitmap with all alive and dead objects if all reachable and unreachable objects are known and can be deleted?


                  I also know weak generational hypothesis about but why do we need the division?



                  The basic premise is that when new objects are created, no reference from an old object to the new one exists and for a lot of objects, or even most of them, this never changes. This implies that you can do a "minor" garbage collection scanning the young generation only, if you can prove that there are still no references from old objects to new objects or when you know precisely which references have been created.


                  This implies that reference changes to old objects must be tracked and remembered (but recall the premise that such changes don’t happen so often).


                  如果垃圾收集器没有收集整个堆(增量收集),则垃圾收集器需要知道从堆的未收集部分到堆的部分的指针在哪里正在收集.这通常用于分代垃圾收集器,其中堆的未收集部分通常是老年代,而堆中已收集的部分是年轻代.保存这些信息的数据结构(指向年轻代对象的老年代指针)是一个记忆集.卡片表是一种特殊类型的记忆集.Java HotSpot VM 使用字节数组作为卡片表.每个字节被称为一个卡片.一张卡片对应于堆中的一系列地址.Dirtying a card 表示将字节的值更改为 dirty 值;脏值可能包含卡覆盖的地址范围内从老年代到年轻代的新指针.

                  If a garbage collector does not collect the entire heap (an incremental collection), the garbage collector needs to know where there are pointers from the uncollected part of the heap into the part of the heap that is being collected. This is typically for a generational garbage collector in which the uncollected part of the heap is usually the old generation, and the collected part of the heap is the young generation. The data structure for keeping this information (old generation pointers to young generation objects), is a remembered set. A card table is a particular type of remembered set. Java HotSpot VM uses an array of bytes as a card table. Each byte is referred to as a card. A card corresponds to a range of addresses in the heap. Dirtying a card means changing the value of the byte to a dirty value; a dirty value might contain a new pointer from the old generation to the young generation in the address range covered by the card.


                  Processing a card means looking at the card to see if there is an old generation to young generation pointer and perhaps doing something with that information such as transferring it to another data structure.


                  Of course, using generations only provides a benefit, if it enables us to skip certain memory regions during the scan and if maintaining these remembered sets does not outweigh the savings.


                  上一篇:JVM可以提供快照持久化吗? 下一篇:未收集 AsyncTask 导致其他 AsyncTask 无法运行


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