我的目标是复制 NotePad 示例项目,这样如果我修改源文件以便通过实验学习,原始示例文件将不会受到影响.这篇文章来自@Neutrino.
My goal is to duplicate the NotePad sample project such that if I tinker with the source files in order to learn through experimentation, the original sample files will not be affected. The rational behind this goal is explained very well in bullets 1-2-3 in this post by @Neutrino.
根据@Neutrino 的帖子,我执行了以下步骤:
Based on @Neutrino's post, I performed the following steps:
第 1 步:将示例代码复制到临时位置(工作区目录之外):
Step 1: Copy sample code to a temporary location (outside of the workspace directory):
1. Close Eclipse.
2. Copy the entire sample folder
**NotePad** from C:android-sdk-windowssamplesandroid-7
to C:UsersandroideveDocumentsNotePad
步骤 2. 从副本导入工作区:
Step 2. Import from copy to workspace:
1. Start Eclipse
2. File > New > Project > Android Project [Next]
> Create project from existing **source**: C:UsersandroideveDocumentsNotePad
3. Delete project from Package Explorer (without deleting its files from disk!)
4. File > Import...
> General > Existing Projects into Workspace [Next]
> Browse: C:UsersandroideveDocumentsNotePad
> Check "Copy projects into workspace" [Finish]
5. Delete entire folder C:UsersandroideveDocumentsNotePad from disk.
这会导致项目创建,但它带有 21 个错误,但没有任何线索说明它们的原因(请记住,我是 Android 新手,我没有编写记事本程序):
This results in the project creation but it comes with 21 errors without any clue as to what causes them (remember, I am an Android newbie and I didn't write the NotePad program):
Description Resource Path Location Type
Error generating final archive: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:sbworkspaceNotesListin
esources.ap_ does not exist NotesList Unknown Android Packaging Problem
error: Error: String types not allowed (at 'layout_height' with value 'match_parent'). note_editor.xml /NotesList/res/layout line 17 Android AAPT Problem
error: Error: String types not allowed (at 'layout_width' with value 'match_parent'). note_editor.xml /NotesList/res/layout line 17 Android AAPT Problem
error: Error: String types not allowed (at 'layout_width' with value 'match_parent'). noteslist_item.xml /NotesList/res/layout line 17 Android AAPT Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad line 148 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad line 151 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad line 175 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad line 177 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad line 194 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad line 195 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad line 265 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad line 269 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad line 276 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable NotesList.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad line 83 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable NotesList.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad line 94 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable NotesList.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad line 177 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable NotesLiveFolder.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad line 48 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable NotesLiveFolder.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad line 51 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable TitleEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad line 71 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable TitleEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad line 80 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable TitleEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad line 83 Java Problem
What did I do wrong and what do I need to make the copy of this NotePad sample build and run?
OK, I think I am getting there (note the subtle differences between the original steps and the following ones):
第 1 步:将示例代码复制到临时位置(工作区目录之外):
Step 1: Copy sample code to a temporary location (outside of the workspace directory):
1. Close Eclipse.
2. Copy the entire sample folder
**NotePad** from C:android-sdk-windowssamplesandroid-8
to C:UsersandroideveDocumentsNotePad
步骤 2. 从副本导入工作区:
Step 2. Import from copy to workspace:
1. Start Eclipse
2. File > New > Project > Android Project [Next]
> Create project from existing **source**: C:UsersandroideveDocumentsNotePad
> Build Target: **Uncheck** Android 1.5. **Check** Android 2.2. [Finish]
3. Delete project from Package Explorer (without deleting its files from disk!)
4. File > Import...
> General > Existing Projects into Workspace [Next]
> Browse: C:UsersandroideveDocumentsNotePad
> Check "Copy projects into workspace" [Finish]
5. Delete entire folder C:UsersandroideveDocumentsNotePad from disk.
现在,项目像以前一样创建,但我只有 1 个警告,而不是 21 个错误:
Now, the project is created as before but instead of 21 errors, I have only 1 warning:
Description Resource Path Location Type
Attribute minSdkVersion (3) is lower than the project target API level (8) AndroidManifest.xml /NotesList line 1 Android ADT Problem
I also have two red messages on the Console:
[2011-02-10 12:45:50 - com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.project.AndroidManifestHelper] Unable to read C:android-sdk-windowsAndroidManifest.xml: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:android-sdk-windowsAndroidManifest.xml (The system cannot find the file specified)
[2011-02-10 12:45:50 - com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.project.AndroidManifestHelper] Unable to read C:android-sdk-windowsAndroidManifest.xml: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:android-sdk-windowsAndroidManifest.xml (The system cannot find the file specified)
确实:C:android-sdk-windows 下没有AndroidManifest.xml,但是NoteList 目录下有一个.为什么抱怨这个?为什么它在 C:android-sdk-windows 中查找?
It's true: There is no AndroidManifest.xml in C:android-sdk-windows, but there is one in the NoteList directory. Why is it complaining about this? Why is it looking in C:android-sdk-windows?
Anyway, after creating a launch configuration, the copied-verbatim sample project proceeded to run on the emulator without any problems (now I can finally proceed to learning the programming side of it).
总之,问题的根源在于我使用的是 Android 7 示例(而不是 Android 8)并且我继续使用构建目标 1.5(而不是 2.2).
In summary, the source of the problem was that I was using the Android 7 sample (instead of Android 8) and that I proceeded with build target 1.5 (instead of 2.2).
这篇关于如何将 SDK 示例项目复制到工作区?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!