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        Eclipse 插件:应有的自动完成功能

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                2. 本文介绍了Eclipse 插件:应有的自动完成功能的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I have a problem, with multiple possible solutions.

                  我正在学习计算机科学,目前正在实习.我的任务是为 Android &IOS.我已经使用 Visual Studio 2010 工作了 2 年,Xcode 相当类似,所以这没什么大不了的,另一方面,Eclipse 不像我习惯的那样,我并不是说它不好.到目前为止,我一直很喜欢 Eclipse,但现在我一直在使用 Xcode 和 Eclipse

                  I'm doing a Computer Sience study and I'm working as an intern at the moment. My assignment is to make a business application for Android & iOS. I've been working for 2 years with Visual studio 2010 now, Xcode is rather simular so that's no biggy, Eclipse on the other hand is not as what I'm used to, I'm not saying it's bad. I have enjoyed Eclipse so far but now i'm constantly using Xcode and Eclipse

                  现在在你回答之前坚持住!我知道 Eclipse 中有一个自动完成功能,但它只会在您按下 Ctrl + Space 或在触发最多四个自动激活触发器之一之后弹出.

                  Now hold on there before you answer! I know there is an autocomplete in Eclipse but it will only pop after you push Ctrl + Space or after one of the maximum of four Auto activition triggers is, well, triggered.


                  是否有任何工具可以在每次击键后触发自动完成?我尝试着制作自己的 Eclipse 插件,但是对于 Eclipse API 的零知识却很难,尽管欢迎考虑自动完成功能的教程!(它们应该涵盖像 ContentAssistCommandAdapter 这样的类)

                  Is there any tool that does trigger auto complete after every keystroke or something? I tried looking at making my own Eclipse plugin but it was way to hard with zero knowlegde about the Eclipse API, although tutorials considering the Auto Complete features are welcome! (they should cover classes like ContentAssistCommandAdapter)



                  击键和弹出窗口之间的延迟是可配置的.因此,作为插件的替代方案,您可以将自动完成设置调整为在较短的一段时间后弹出,例如 1/10 秒.

                  The delay between keystroke and pop-up is configurable. So, as an alternative to a plug-in, you can adjust the autocomplete settings to pop-up after a shorter period of time, such as 1/10th of a second.

                  Eclipse preferences ->
                    Java ->
                      Editor ->
                        Content Assist -> 
                          Enable Auto Activation
                          Auto activation delay (ms)

                  (显示 Mac OX 10.6,运行 EclipseIndigo"版本,但该选项一直存在):

                  这篇关于Eclipse 插件:应有的自动完成功能的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何将参数传递到eclipse-plugin中的代码模板 下一篇:visibleWhen 命令出现在上下文菜单中


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