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      1. Java Lucene 4.5如何按不区分大小写进行搜索


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                  本文介绍了Java Lucene 4.5如何按不区分大小写进行搜索的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我们已经实现了 Java Lucene 搜索引擎 4.5,即使字段值不区分大小写,我也会尝试搜索内容(例如,如果我搜索名称为Banglore"的城市,我会得到结果,但是当我搜索名称为banglore"的城市我得到 0 个结果).

                  We have implemented Java Lucene search engine 4.5, I am trying to search the content even if the field value is case insensitive (e.g., if I search a city with name "Banglore" I get a result, but when I search a city with name "banglore" I get 0 results).

                  我使用 StandardAnalyzer 分析数据并使用 WildcardQuery 来匹配 Like 条件(我尝试了上述 这里没有成功).

                  I have used StandardAnalyzer for analyzing the data and WildcardQuery to match a Like condition (I tried as mentioned here without success).


                  I am not sure where I have gone wrong. I appreciate any guidance on fixing this case sensitivity problem.

                  public SearchHelper
                      Analyzer analyzer;
                      Directory index;
                      public IndexSearcher searcher = null;
                      public IndexWriter indexWriter = null;
                      public QueryParser parser = null;
                      private static int hitsPerPage = 100;
                       * @param indexFileLocation
                       * @throws IOException
                      public SearchHelper(String indexFileLocation) throws IOException
                  //        this.analyzer =new StandardAnalyzer();
                          this.analyzer = new CaseStandardAnalyzer();
                  //        analyzer = new ThaiAnalyzer();
                          this.index = FSDirectory.open(java.nio.file.Paths.get(indexFileLocation));
                       * @param create
                       * @return
                       * @throws IOException
                      public IndexWriter getIndexWriter(boolean create) throws IOException
                          if (indexWriter == null)
                              IndexWriterConfig iwc = new IndexWriterConfig(this.analyzer);
                              this.indexWriter = new IndexWriter(this.index, iwc);
                          return this.indexWriter;
                      } //End of getIndexWriter
                       * @throws IOException
                      public void closeIndexWriter() throws IOException
                          if (this.indexWriter != null)
                               this.indexWriter.commit();//optimize(); LUCENE_36
                      } //End closeIndexWriter
                       * @param indexFileLocation
                       * @throws CorruptIndexException
                       * @throws IOException
                      public void startSearch(String indexFileLocation) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException
                  //        searcher = new IndexSearcher(FSDirectory.open(new File(indexFileLocation)));
                          IndexReader reader = DirectoryReader.open(FSDirectory.open(java.nio.file.Paths.get(indexFileLocation)));
                  //        IndexReader.open(this.index);
                  //        open(getIndexWriter(true), true);
                          this.searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader);
                       * @param fieldNames
                       * @param fieldValues
                       * @return
                       * @throws IOException
                       * @throws ParseException
                       * <p></p>
                       * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2005084/how-to-specify-two-fields-in-lucene-queryparser
                      public ScoreDoc[] searchSEO(String[] fieldNames, String[] fieldValues, int limitSize) throws IOException, ParseException
                          this.analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();
                          int searchFieldSize = (null == fieldNames) ? 0 : fieldNames.length;
                          BooleanQuery booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery();
                          for (int i = 0; i < searchFieldSize; i++)
                               Query query1 = searchIndexWithWildcardQuery(fieldNames[i], fieldValues[i]);                
                               addQueries(booleanQuery, query1, 2);               
                          TopScoreDocCollector collector = null; // Or use by default hitsPerPage instead limitSize
                          if (limitSize > 0)
                              collector = TopScoreDocCollector.create(limitSize);
                          } else {
                              collector = TopScoreDocCollector.create(hitsPerPage);
                          return  collector.topDocs().scoreDocs;
                       * @param whichField
                       * @param searchString
                       * @return
                       * @throws IOException
                       * @throws ParseException
                      public Query searchIndexWithWildcardQuery(String whichField, String searchString) throws IOException, ParseException
                          Term term = addTerm(whichField, "*" + searchString + "*");
                          Query query = new WildcardQuery(term);
                          return query;
                       * @param whichField
                       * @param searchString
                       * @return
                      public Term addTerm(String whichField, String searchString)
                          Term term = new Term(whichField, searchString);
                          return term;
                       * @param searchString
                       * @param operation
                       * @return
                       * @throws ParseException
                      public Query addConditionOpertaion(String searchString, String operation) throws ParseException
                          Query query = null;
                          if ("and".equals(operation))
                          } else if("or".equals(operation)) {
                          query = parser.parse(searchString);
                          return query;
                       * @param booleanQuery <code>BooleanQuery</code>
                       * @param q <code>Query</code>
                       * @param type <code>int</code> , 1--> Must, 2-->Should, 3 --> Must Not
                      public void addQueries(BooleanQuery booleanQuery, Query q, int type)
                              case 1: booleanQuery.add(q, Occur.MUST);
                              case 2: booleanQuery.add(q, Occur.SHOULD);
                              default:booleanQuery.add(q, Occur.MUST_NOT);
                          } //End of switch
                      public QueryParser getParser()
                          return parser;
                      public void setParser(String fieldName)
                          this.parser = new QueryParser(fieldName, this.analyzer);
                      public void getDefaultByStatus(int status)
                          this.analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();
                          this.parser = new QueryParser("status", this.analyzer);
                      protected void doClear(File dir,boolean deleteSubDir)
                          for (File file: dir.listFiles())
                              if (file.isDirectory() && deleteSubDir)
                      } //End of doClear();
                      protected void doClose() throws IOException
                      public boolean add(Object Obj) throws Exception
                          User currentUser = (User)Obj;
                          boolean isAdded = false;
                          org.apache.lucene.document.Document luceneDoc = new org.apache.lucene.document.Document();
                          luceneDoc.add(new IntField("oid", currentUser.getOid(), Field.Store.YES));
                          luceneDoc.add(new IntField("status", currentUser.getStatus(), Field.Store.YES));
                          luceneDoc.add(new StringField("login", currentUser.getLogin(), Field.Store.YES));
                          luceneDoc.add(new StringField("fName", currentUser.getFirstName(), Field.Store.YES));
                          luceneDoc.add(new StringField("lName", currentUser.getLastName(), Field.Store.NO));
                          luceneDoc.add(new StringField("email", currentUser.getEmailId(), Field.Store.YES));
                          luceneDoc.add(new StringField("city", currentUser.getCity(), Field.Store.YES));
                  //        addRelatedFields(luceneDoc,city.getStateCode());
                          IndexWriter writer = getIndexWriter(false);
                          isAdded = true;
                          return isAdded;
                      } // End of add
                      public boolean update(Object Obj) throws Exception
                          boolean isUpdated = false;
                          User currentUser = (User) Obj;
                          org.apache.lucene.document.Document luceneDoc = new org.apache.lucene.document.Document();
                  //        luceneDoc.add(new IntField("oid", currentUser.getOid(), Field.Store.YES));
                          luceneDoc.add(new IntField("oid", currentUser.getOid(), Field.Store.YES));
                          luceneDoc.add(new StringField("login", currentUser.getLogin(), Field.Store.YES));
                          luceneDoc.add(new IntField("status", currentUser.getStatus(), Field.Store.YES));
                          luceneDoc.add(new StringField("fName", currentUser.getFirstName(), Field.Store.YES));
                          luceneDoc.add(new StringField("lName", currentUser.getLastName(), Field.Store.NO));
                          luceneDoc.add(new StringField("email", currentUser.getEmailId(), Field.Store.YES));
                          luceneDoc.add(new StringField("city", currentUser.getCity(), Field.Store.YES));
                  //        addRelatedFields(luceneDoc,city.getStateCode());
                          IndexWriter writer = getIndexWriter(false);
                          writer.updateDocument(new Term("login", currentUser.getLogin()),luceneDoc); 
                          isUpdated = true;
                          return isUpdated;
                      } // End of update
                      public boolean delete(Object Obj) throws Exception
                          boolean isDeleted = false;
                          User currentUser = (User) Obj;      
                          Term deleteTerm = new Term("login", currentUser.getLogin());
                          IndexWriter writer = getIndexWriter(false);
                          writer.deleteDocuments(deleteTerm); // Or use Query
                          isDeleted = true;
                          return isDeleted;
                      } // End of delete
                      public Object search(String[] fieldNames, String[] fieldValues, int returnType, int limit) throws Exception
                          Object obj = null;
                          org.apache.lucene.search.ScoreDoc[] hits =  searchSEO(fieldNames,fieldValues,  limit);
                          int hitSize = (null == hits) ? 0 : hits.length;
                          System.out.println("total:" + hitSize);
                          return obj;
                      } // End of search
                      public void addThreadUser()
                          User user = new User();
                      public void updateThreadUser()
                          User user = new User();
                      public void deleteThreadUser()
                          User user = new User();
                      private void addUserPojo(User user)
                      public void searchUser()
                          searchUser(new String[] {"login"}, new String[] {"Se"}, null);
                      public static void main(String[] args)
                          SearchHelper test = new SearchHelper();


                  您正在使用StringField 来索引您的数据,但该字段将绕过分析器链并始终索引无论您的分析仪如何,您的术语逐字作为一个标记.如果你想分析你的数据并且 StandardAnalyzer 已经做了小写,你应该使用 TextField.除此之外,WildcardQuery 确实 分析其术语,因此如果您搜索 Banglore,它将与索引中现在小写的 Banglore 不匹配.您必须自己将搜索词小写(或对其使用分析器).

                  You are usingStringField to index your data but this field will bypass the analyzer chain and always index your term verbatim as one token, regardless of your analyzer. You should use TextField if you want to have your data analyzed and the StandardAnalyzer already does lower-casing. Other than that, the WildcardQuery does not analyze its term, so if you search for Banglore, it won't match the now-lower-case banglore from the index. You have to lowercase the searchterm yourself (or use an analyzer on it).

                  这篇关于Java Lucene 4.5如何按不区分大小写进行搜索的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:solrj:如何存储和检索List&lt;POJO&gt;通过索引中的多值字段 下一篇:如何从 Lucene 中的文档术语向量中获取位置?


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