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                • 本文介绍了单击中性按钮后是否可以保持对话框打开?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有一个包含 3 个 EditText 的对话框,用于获取 ftp 地址、用户名和密码.我使用 .setNeutralButton 创建了一个测试连接"按钮.我让它连接到 ftp 并显示一个带有结果的 Toast,但我不希望测试按钮关闭对话框.如何在连接测试期间保持对话框打开?

                  I have a Dialog with 3 EditTexts that I use to get an ftp address, username, and password. I used .setNeutralButton to create a button to "Test Connection". I got it working to connect to the ftp and show a Toast with the result but I don't want the Test Button to close the Dialog. How can I keep the Dialog open during the connection test?

                  livePreviewChk.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
                      public void onClick(View v) {
                          LinearLayout lila1 = new LinearLayout(NewSite.this);
                          lila1.setOrientation(1); // 1 is for vertical orientation
                          final EditText serverName = new EditText(NewSite.this);
                          serverName.setHint("Server name");
                          final EditText serverAddress = new EditText(NewSite.this);
                          serverAddress.setHint("Server Address");
                          final EditText username = new EditText(NewSite.this);
                          final EditText password = new EditText(NewSite.this);
                          AlertDialog.Builder alt_bld = new AlertDialog.Builder(
                          alt_bld.setTitle("Enter the login details for the host FTP")
                                          new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                                              public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog,
                                                      int id) {
                                  .setNeutralButton("Test Connection",
                                          new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                                              public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog,
                                                      int id) {
                                                  FTPConnector testConnection = new FTPConnector();
                                                  boolean status = testConnection
                                                          .ftpConnect(host, user, pass,
                                                  if (status == true) {
                                                      connectionSuccessfull = true;
                                                  } else {
                                                      connectionSuccessfull = false;
                                          new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                                              public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog,
                                                      int id) {
                                                  // if this button is clicked, just close
                                                  // the dialog box and do nothing
                          AlertDialog alert = alt_bld.create();


                  据我所知,不扩展 Dialog 类是不可能的.但是,使用您拥有的功能,将其放在自己的 Activity 中并使用 Dialog 主题 可能会更容易和更好.您所要做的就是为此将您的代码放入一个新的 Activity 中,并在您的 manifest 中使用 dialog 主题

                  From what I know, it is not possible without extending the Dialog class. However, with the functionality that you have it may be easier and better just to put it in its own Activity and use a Dialog theme. All you have to do is put your code into a new Activity for this and in your manifest use the dialog theme

                          android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog" >

                  这将提供 Dialog 的外观和感觉,同时包含在它自己的 Activity

                  This will give the look and feel of a Dialog while being contained in its own Activity

                  这是一个 关于扩展对话框的答案.我还没有看透这一切,但看起来如果你选择这个选项,它可能会给你你需要的东西.

                  Here is a SO answer on extending Dialog. I haven't looked through it all but looks like it may give you what you need if you choose this option.


                  上一篇:Android-显示自定义对话框 下一篇:如何在 vaadin-flow 中正确指定对话框大小


                • <legend id='WzO7u'><style id='WzO7u'><dir id='WzO7u'><q id='WzO7u'></q></dir></style></legend><tfoot id='WzO7u'></tfoot>

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                  <i id='WzO7u'><tr id='WzO7u'><dt id='WzO7u'><q id='WzO7u'><span id='WzO7u'><b id='WzO7u'><form id='WzO7u'><ins id='WzO7u'></ins><ul id='WzO7u'></ul><sub id='WzO7u'></sub></form><legend id='WzO7u'></legend><bdo id='WzO7u'><pre id='WzO7u'><center id='WzO7u'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='WzO7u'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='WzO7u'><tfoot id='WzO7u'></tfoot><dl id='WzO7u'><fieldset id='WzO7u'></fieldset></dl></div>
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