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    2. 检查字符串是否代表Java中的整数的最佳方法是什么?


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                I normally use the following idiom to check if a String can be converted to an integer.

                public boolean isInteger( String input ) {
                    try {
                        Integer.parseInt( input );
                        return true;
                    catch( Exception e ) {
                        return false;


                Is it just me, or does this seem a bit hackish? What's a better way?

                查看我的答案(带有基准,基于 早期答案.com/users/28278/codingwithspike">CodingWithSpike) 了解我为什么改变立场并接受 Jonas Klemming 的回答 这个问题.我认为这个原始代码会被大多数人使用,因为它实现起来更快,更易于维护,但在提供非整数数据时速度会慢几个数量级.

                See my answer (with benchmarks, based on the earlier answer by CodingWithSpike) to see why I've reversed my position and accepted Jonas Klemming's answer to this problem. I think this original code will be used by most people because it's quicker to implement, and more maintainable, but it's orders of magnitude slower when non-integer data is provided.


                如果您不关心潜在的溢出问题,此函数的执行速度将比使用 Integer.parseInt() 快 20-30 倍.

                If you are not concerned with potential overflow problems this function will perform about 20-30 times faster than using Integer.parseInt().

                public static boolean isInteger(String str) {
                    if (str == null) {
                        return false;
                    int length = str.length();
                    if (length == 0) {
                        return false;
                    int i = 0;
                    if (str.charAt(0) == '-') {
                        if (length == 1) {
                            return false;
                        i = 1;
                    for (; i < length; i++) {
                        char c = str.charAt(i);
                        if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
                            return false;
                    return true;


                上一篇:如何获得整数的单独数字? 下一篇:确定字符串是否是Java中的整数


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