Mockito - 如何验证从未调用过模拟

本文介绍了Mockito - 如何验证从未调用过模拟的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



我正在寻找一种使用 Mockito 验证的方法,即在测试期间与给定的模拟没有任何交互.对于具有验证模式 never() 的给定方法,很容易实现这一点,但我还没有找到完整模拟的解决方案.

I'm looking for a way to verify with Mockito, that there wasn't any interaction with a given mock during a test. It's easy to achieve that for a given method with verification mode never(), but I haven't found a solution for the complete mock yet.

我真正想要实现的目标:在测试中验证,没有任何东西打印到控制台.jUnit 的总体思路是这样的:

What I actually want to achieve: verify in tests, that nothing get's printed to the console. The general idea with jUnit goes like that:

private PrintStream systemOut;

public void setUp() {
    // spy on System.out
    systemOut = spy(System.out);

public void tearDown() {
    verify(systemOut, never());  // <-- that doesn't work, just shows the intention

一个 PrintStream 有很多方法,我真的不想用单独的验证来验证每一个方法 - System.err 也是如此...

A PrintStream has tons of methods and I really don't want to verify each and every one with separate verify - and the same for System.err...

所以我希望,如果有一个简单的解决方案,我可以,考虑到我有很好的测试覆盖率,强制软件工程师(和我自己)删除他们的(我的)调试代码,比如 System.out.println("Breakpoint#1");e.printStacktrace(); 在提交更改之前.

So I hope, if there's an easy solution, that I can, given that I have a good test coverage, force the software engineers (and myself) to remove their (my) debug code like System.out.println("Breakpoint#1"); or e.printStacktrace(); prior to committing changes.



import static org.mockito.Mockito.verifyZeroInteractions;

// ...

private PrintStream backup = System.out;

public void setUp() {

public void tearDown() {

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上一篇:使用 Mockito 将模拟对象注入在测试中声明为字段的待测试对象不起作用? 下一篇:如何使用 Mockito 在模拟上显示所有调用
