保留 CGLIB 代理上的注释?

本文介绍了保留 CGLIB 代理上的注释?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


Am trying to create an object using an AOP framework which uses CGLIB to create proxy objects. Strangely enough, the "enhanced" proxy object is devoid of ANY annotations the previous class had!

Can anyone tell me how can I make CGLIB retain the annotations on the proxies it creates?

Cheers! Nirav


CGLIB creates subclasses of given classes to generate proxies. Annotations are not preserved in subclasses unless explicitly specified in annotation definition. @Inherited annotation is used for this purpose.

You can use this annotation in the annotations you define, and make them reachable in subclasses, as following:

public @interface MyAnnotation {

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上一篇:使 java 编译器在使用带注释的方法时发出警告(如@deprecated) 下一篇:未调用跨域验证的自定义类级别约束
