在 Android Studio 2.2 中启用注释处理器选项

本文介绍了在 Android Studio 2.2 中启用注释处理器选项的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在我的项目中使用 java 8,为此我添加了 jack 编译器.

I'm trying to use java 8 in my project and for that I added the jack compiler.

启用杰克后,我开始遇到使用注释处理的库的问题,并在网上查看我读到我需要 android studio 2.2 和 com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.2.0-alpha6 来编译生成的库注释中的代码.

After enabling jack I started having problems with libraries that use Annotation Processing and looking in the web I read that I need android studio 2.2 and com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.2.0-alpha6 to compile libraries that generate code from annotations.

我下载了 Android Studio 2.2 preview 6 并将我的项目转换为它.之后我发现不再支持 apt gradle 插件,然后我需要将每个使用 apt 的依赖项更改为使用新的 annotationProcessor 选项.

I download Android Studio 2.2 preview 6 and converted my project to it. And after that I discovered that the apt gradle plugin is not supported anymore and then I needed to change every dependency that use apt to the use the new annotationProcessor option.


apt "org.projectlombok:lombok:$rootProject.lombokVersion"

annotationProcessor "org.projectlombok:lombok:$rootProject.lombokVersion"

现在,如果我使用make project",项目编译没有问题,但如果我尝试执行它,我应该由注释生成的代码出现错误.

Now if I use "make project" the project is compiled without problems, but if I try to execute it I have errors with the code that should be generated by the annotations.

此外,当我打开项目时,我收到来自 lombok 插件的警告项目的注释处理似乎已禁用".当我打开项目设置并转到构建 -> 编译器"时,我找不到注释处理器.

Also when I open the project I receive a warning from the lombok plugin "Annotation processing seems to be disabled for the project". When I open the project settings and go to "Build -> Compiler" I can't find Annotation Processors.

所以,我的问题是:如何在 Android Studio 2.2 中启用注释处理器?这个功能被禁用了?如果是,如何从注解生成代码?

So, my question is: How can I enable Annotation Processors in Android Studio 2.2? This feature was disabled? If yes, how can I generate the code from annotations?

--编辑--我正在制作一个 PullRequest 来更改项目以使用 Java8 编译,您可以在此处查看 PR:https://github.com/jonathanrz/myexpenses-android/pull/57

--EDIT-- I'm making a PullRequest to change the project to compile with Java8, you can check the PR here: https://github.com/jonathanrz/myexpenses-android/pull/57


关闭项目.在Welcome to Android Studio"对话框中点击右下角的Configure".

Close the project. In the "Welcome to Android Studio" dialog click "Configure" in the bottom right corner.


设置 > 构建、执行、部署 > 编译器 > 注释处理器.勾选启用注释处理".

Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Annotation Processors. Tick 'Enable annotation processing'.

如果这不起作用.从Welcome to Android Studio"对话框中删除项目并从新打开.

If that does not work. Delete the project from "Welcome to Android Studio" dialog and open from new.


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上一篇:BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException 由于自动装配字段 下一篇:什么是注解以及它们如何在 Spring 这样的框架中实际工作?
