如何编写 Java 注释处理器?

本文介绍了如何编写 Java 注释处理器?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我可能只是在寻找错误的方向,但我发现关于注释处理的 JSE 文档非常……稀疏.我想编写一个注释处理器来处理带注释的字符串字段和局部变量,以用计算的字符串表达式替换它们.这不应该太复杂,但我在 javax.annotation.processing 的 Javadoc 中迷失了.

I may be just looking in the wrong direction but I find the JSE documentation on annotation processing very ... sparse. I want to write an annotation processor which processes annotated String fields and local variables to substitute them with a computed String expression. This should not be too complicated but I'm pretty lost in the Javadoc for javax.annotation.processing.


I need to process annotations at compile time because I want to modify the generated code. It should replace annotated constant String expressions with a computed String expression.



This can not be done with a compile time annotation processor. Compile time time annotation processors can only generate new files (and classes) they can not modify existing classes. You can do reflection at runtime but strictly speaking you that is not called annotation processing. Also you won't have access to local variables.

如果您正在研究如何编写编译时注释处理器,请查看 https://github.com/pellaton/spring-configuration-validation-processor

If you're looking on how to write a compile time annotation processor check out https://github.com/pellaton/spring-configuration-validation-processor

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上一篇:我应该将@Transactional 注释放在哪里:在接口定义或实现类中? 下一篇:Spring:在属性文件中定义 @RequestMapping 值
