


我正在使用 Java.如果我在 Eclipse Helios 中点击 Ctrl+Shift+F,它将自动格式化我的代码.在某一点上,它会换行.我想增加最大行长.我该怎么做?

I am working with Java. If I hit Ctrl+Shift+F in Eclipse Helios, it will auto format my code. At a certain point, it wraps lines. I would like to increase the maximum line length. How can I do this?


在偏好设置Java -> Code Style -> Formatter,编辑配置文件.Line Wrapping 选项卡下是线宽的主要选项(最大线宽:).在评论选项卡中,您有一个单独的选项评论的最大线宽:,它也需要更改以影响评论换行.

In preferences Java -> Code Style -> Formatter, edit the profile. Under the Line Wrapping tab is the primary option for line width (Maximum line width:). In the Comments tab you have a separate option Maximum line width for comments:, which will also need to be changed to affect comment wrapping.

如果您使用 [Built-in] 之一,您需要制作自己的个人资料才能进行这些更改.只需点击格式化程序首选项页面上的新建..."即可.

You will need to make your own profile to make these changes in if you using one of the [Built-in] ones. Just click "New..." on the formatter preferences page.


上一篇:将时间戳解析为 LocalDateTime 下一篇:如何在 Java 中按语言环境格式化日期?
