Socket 编程 -Java - 许多客户端一个 Socket 问题

本文介绍了Socket 编程 -Java - 许多客户端一个 Socket 问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


基本上我试图让许多 java 客户端连接到我的 ColdFusion 服务器上的套接字(使用套接字网关).然而,在我开始编写代码之前,我对套接字及其性能有点困惑.首先,套接字是否意味着许多(1000+)客户端连接到一台服务器上的一个套接字(比如端口 2202)?如果所有等待的基本上是一个 ping,或者当这些客户端收到这个ping"时,他们可以获取一些新数据,那么性能如何.

Essentially Im trying to get many many java clients connect to a socket on my ColdFusion server (Using the Socket Gateway). However before i even start to code this, Im a little confused about sockets and their performance. First of all, are sockets meant for many(1000+) clients connecting to one socket (say port 2202) on one server? How is the performance if all there waiting for is basically a ping, or something such that when these clients receive this "ping" they can go get some new data.




Socket is identified by following tuple,

  1. 来源 IP
  2. 源端口
  3. 目标 IP
  4. 目的港
  5. 协议(TCP 或 UDP)

即使 1000 个客户端都连接到同一个端口(目标端口),每个客户端都会获得自己的套接字.所以你将打开 1000 个套接字.

Even 1000 clients all connect to the same port (dest port), each will get its own socket. So you will have 1000 sockets open.

使用阻塞 I/O 维护 1000 个套接字将很困难,这通常意味着 1000 个线程.你需要使用蔚来.我们有一个用 Mina 编写的服务器,峰值可以处理 2000 个连接.

It's going to be tough to maintain 1000 sockets with blocking I/O, which usually means 1000 threads. You need to use NIO. We have a server written with Mina, which can handle 2000 connections at peak.

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上一篇:在 ColdFusion 中规范化字符串 下一篇:如何在 Coldfusion8 中使用 javaloader 设置 java 库?

