静态方法是 DI 反模式吗?

本文介绍了静态方法是 DI 反模式吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我是一名 Java 开发人员,开始掌握依赖注入的全部威力,我突然意识到没有办法注入静态方法.所以我开始思考:静态方法是 DI 反模式吗?

I am a Java developer who is beginning to grasp the full power of dependency injections, and it suddenly dawned on me that there's no way to inject a static method. So it got me thinking: are static methods DI anti-patterns?


More importantly: if I were to embrace dependency injection, does this mean I need to stop coding static methods? I ask because there is no way to mock them and inject mock statics during unit tests, which is a huge turn-off for me.


Edit: I know that a common way to "wrap" and inject an existing static method is like this:

public class Foo {
    public static void bar() { ... }

public interface FooWrapper {
    public void bar();

public class FooWrapperImpl implements FooWrapper {
    public void bar() {
        return Foo.bar();


...but I'm not asking how to inject an existing static method...I'm asking if I should stop writing them altogether, if all my code (from this point forward) is going to embrace the notion of DI.


Also, I see a lot of similarly-related questions to this, but couldn't find an exact match that asked this same question. If you see that it is indeed a dupe of another question, please point it out to me and I will close this question myself (please don't just closevote it!).


静态方法适用于没有关联状态的事物. 一些工厂方法,纯函数式"方法,例如 Math.sin 等都是完全可以接受的静态方法.java.lang.Mathjava.util.Collections 有许多完全可以接受的静态方法的好例子.

Static methods are appropriate for things that don't have associated state. Some factory methods, "purely functional" methods like Math.sin, and the like are all perfectly acceptable static methods. java.lang.Math and java.util.Collections have many fine examples of perfectly acceptable static methods.


Fortunately, these methods have no need for dependency injection, or to interact with such things; they're not unusually difficult to test. They don't have dependencies that would need mocking or anything.


On the other hand, static state, or static methods with associated static state, are utterly evil. That is an anti-pattern.

当且仅当它总是在等效输入上返回等效输出时,通常有助于将方法定义为无状态(因此是合法的静态方法).这清楚地表明,例如数据库查询和文件系统 I/O 使方法成为有状态的,因为它们的输出会根据文件系统或数据库中的内容而有所不同.

It frequently helps to define a method as being non-stateful (and therefore a legitimate static method) if, and only if, it always returns equivalent output on equivalent inputs. This makes it clear that e.g. database queries and filesystem I/O makes methods stateful, because their outputs will vary depending on what's in the filesystem or the database.

这篇关于静态方法是 DI 反模式吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一条:使用 Mockito 存根并执行测试方法 下一条:Mockito.mock(SomeClass) 和 @Mock 注释有什么区别?

