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                  我需要在 SQL Server 2005/2008 中按计算字段分组.

                  I need to group by a Calculated field ins SQL Server 2005/2008.


                  select dateadd(day, -7, Convert(DateTime, mwspp.DateDue) + (7 - datepart(weekday, mwspp.DateDue))),
                  from manufacturingweekshortagepartpurchasing mwspp
                  where mwspp.buildScheduleSimID = 10109 and mwspp.partID = 8366
                  group by mwspp.DateDue
                  order by mwspp.DateDue

                  不是 group by mwspp.DateDue 我需要按计算结果分组.可能吗?

                  Instead of group by mwspp.DateDue I need to group by the result of the calculation. Is it possible ?



                  当然,只需在 GROUP BY 子句中添加相同的计算:

                  Sure, just add the same calculation to the GROUP BY clause:

                  select dateadd(day, -7, Convert(DateTime, mwspp.DateDue) + (7 - datepart(weekday, mwspp.DateDue))),
                  from manufacturingweekshortagepartpurchasing mwspp
                  where mwspp.buildScheduleSimID = 10109 and mwspp.partID = 8366
                  group by dateadd(day, -7, Convert(DateTime, mwspp.DateDue) + (7 - datepart(weekday, mwspp.DateDue)))
                  order by dateadd(day, -7, Convert(DateTime, mwspp.DateDue) + (7 - datepart(weekday, mwspp.DateDue)))


                  就像所有关于优化器的问题一样,答案实际上是视情况而定",但很可能只会执行一次 - 您会在执行计划中看到它作为 Compute Scalar 运算符.

                  Like all questions regarding the optimiser, the answer is really "it depends", but most likely it will only be performed once - you'll see this in the execution plan as a Compute Scalar operator.


                  Based on this Compute Scalar operation, the optimiser will then decide how to perform the actual aggregation.

                  这里的其他答案(CTE/子查询等)都同样有效,但并没有真正改变逻辑 - 最终它们将执行类似的操作.SQL Server 可能会以不同的方式对待它们,但这不太可能.但是,它们将有助于提高可读性.

                  The other answers here (CTE/subquery, etc) are all equally valid, but don't really change the logic - ultimately they will be performing similar operations. SQL Server might treat them differently but it's unlikely. However they will help with readability.


                  If you're worried about efficiency you can look at a couple of options, e.g. setting up the calculation as a persisted computed column and using this in an index, or adding interim results into a temporary table.

                  真正确定的唯一方法是在对典型数据集运行查询时检查执行计划/IO 统计信息,并查看您是否对性能感到满意;如果没有,也许可以调查上述选项之一.

                  The only way to really know for sure is to inspect the Execution Plan/IO statistics when running the query on a typical data set and seeing if you're satisfied with the performance; if not, perhaps investigating one of the above options.


                  上一篇:如何获取 GROUP_BY 子句中的值列表? 下一篇:Mysql查询以获取每月计数


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