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        收集数据,然后将数据导入 Drupal 的最佳方法?

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                  本文介绍了收集数据,然后将数据导入 Drupal 的最佳方法?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在用 Drupal 构建我的第一个数据库驱动的网站,我有几个问题.

                  I am building my first database driven website with Drupal and I have a few questions.

                  1. 我目前正在用我希望最终能够从网站(导入后)查询的所有数据填充 google docs excel 电子表格.这是最好的开始方式吗?

                  1. I am currently populating a google docs excel spreadsheet with all of the data I want to eventually be able to query from the website (after it's imported). Is this the best way to start?


                  If this is not the best way to start what would you recommend?

                  我的计划是填充电子表格,然后通过 CCK 节点将其作为 csv 导入 mysql 数据库.

                  My plan is to populate the spreadsheet then import it as a csv into the mysql db via the CCK Node.


                  I've seen two ways to do this.

                  http://drupal.org/node/133705(将数据导入 CCK 节点)

                  http://drupal.org/node/133705 (importing data into CCK nodes)

                  http://drupal.org/node/237574(改为使用电子表格/csv 插入数据SQL插入语句)

                  http://drupal.org/node/237574 (Inserting data using spreadsheet/csv instead of SQL insert statements)

                  基本上我的问题是收集数据然后将数据导入 drupal 的最佳方法是什么?

                  Basically my question(s) is what is the best way to gather, then import data into drupal?


                  Thanks in advance for any help, suggestions.



                  过去,当我完成此操作时,我只是编写代码来在 cron 运行中执行此操作(请参阅 http://drupal.org/project/phorum 是一个示例框架,您可以将其分解并重新构建以执行您需要的操作).

                  In the past when I've done this I simply write code to do it on cron runs (see http://drupal.org/project/phorum for an example framework that you could strip down and build back up to do what you need).

                  如果我现在这样做,我可能会使用 http://drupal.org/project/migrate 模块的理念是将其导入 MySQL,查看数据,通过 GUI 导入".

                  If I were to do this now I would probably use the http://drupal.org/project/migrate module where the philosophy is "get it into MySQL, View the data, Import via GUI."

                  这篇关于收集数据,然后将数据导入 Drupal 的最佳方法?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:Docker:链接到 mysql 容器的 Drupal 容器在 Drupal 安装期间无法连接到 mysql 下一篇:Drupal 数据库 API 查询 - row.update 如果存在,否则为 row.insert


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