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      1. Oracle 中的循环游标

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              • <i id='B4PBZ'><tr id='B4PBZ'><dt id='B4PBZ'><q id='B4PBZ'><span id='B4PBZ'><b id='B4PBZ'><form id='B4PBZ'><ins id='B4PBZ'></ins><ul id='B4PBZ'></ul><sub id='B4PBZ'></sub></form><legend id='B4PBZ'></legend><bdo id='B4PBZ'><pre id='B4PBZ'><center id='B4PBZ'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='B4PBZ'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='B4PBZ'><tfoot id='B4PBZ'></tfoot><dl id='B4PBZ'><fieldset id='B4PBZ'></fieldset></dl></div>
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                  <legend id='B4PBZ'><style id='B4PBZ'><dir id='B4PBZ'><q id='B4PBZ'></q></dir></style></legend>
                • 本文介绍了Oracle 中的循环游标的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  请解释一下如何在 oracle 中使用游标 for 循环.

                  Please, explain me how to use cursor for loop in oracle.


                  If I use next code, all is fine.

                  for rec in (select id, name from students) loop
                      -- do anything
                  end loop;

                  但是如果我为这个 sql 语句定义了变量,它就不起作用了.

                  But if I define variable for this sql statement, it doesn't work.

                  v_sql := 'select id, name from students';
                  for rec in v_sql loop
                      -- do anything
                  end loop;


                  Error: PLS-00103



                  To address issues associated with the second approach in your question you need to use


                  cursor variable and explicit way of opening a cursor and fetching data. It is not

                  允许在 FOR 循环中使用游标变量:

                  allowed to use cursor variables in the FOR loop:

                    l_sql varchar2(123);        -- variable that contains a query
                    l_c   sys_refcursor;        -- cursor variable(weak cursor). 
                    l_res your_table%rowtype;   -- variable containing fetching data  
                    l_sql := 'select * from your_table';
                    -- Open the cursor and fetching data explicitly 
                    -- in the LOOP.
                    open l_c for l_sql;
                      fetch l_c into l_res;
                      exit when l_c%notfound;   -- Exit the loop if there is nothing to fetch.
                       -- process fetched data 
                    end loop;
                    close l_c; -- close the cursor


                  这篇关于Oracle 中的循环游标的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:从 Oracle PL/SQL 使用 Web 服务 下一篇:Oracle PL/SQL:将整行从触发器转发到过程


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