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      1. 如何向现有 SQLite 表添加外键?


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                  本文介绍了如何向现有 SQLite 表添加外键?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  CREATE TABLE child( 
                    id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, 
                    parent_id INTEGER, 
                    description TEXT);

                  如何在 parent_id 上添加外键约束?假设启用了外键.

                  How do I add a foreign key constraint on parent_id? Assume foreign keys are enabled.

                  大多数示例都假设您正在创建表 - 我想将约束添加到现有表中.

                  Most examples assume you're creating the table - I'd like to add the constraint to an existing one.



                  尽管向表中添加外键的 SQL-92 语法如下所示:

                  Although the SQL-92 syntax to add a foreign key to your table would be as follows:

                  ALTER TABLE child ADD CONSTRAINT fk_child_parent
                                    FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) 
                                    REFERENCES parent(id);

                  SQLite 不支持 ALTER TABLE 命令的 ADD CONSTRAINT 变体 (sqlite.org:SQLite 未实现的 SQL 功能).

                  SQLite doesn't support the ADD CONSTRAINT variant of the ALTER TABLE command (sqlite.org: SQL Features That SQLite Does Not Implement).

                  因此,在sqlite 3.6.1中添加外键的唯一方法是在CREATE TABLE过程中,如下所示:

                  Therefore, the only way to add a foreign key in sqlite 3.6.1 is during CREATE TABLE as follows:

                  CREATE TABLE child ( 
                      id           INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, 
                      parent_id    INTEGER, 
                      description  TEXT,
                      FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES parent(id)

                  不幸的是,您必须将现有数据保存到临时表中,删除旧表,使用 FK 约束创建新表,然后从临时表中复制数据.(sqlite.org - 常见问题解答:Q11)

                  Unfortunately you will have to save the existing data to a temporary table, drop the old table, create the new table with the FK constraint, then copy the data back in from the temporary table. (sqlite.org - FAQ: Q11)

                  这篇关于如何向现有 SQLite 表添加外键?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:仅当表不存在时才在 SQLite 中创建表 下一篇:如何使用 SQL Order By 语句对不区分大小写的结果进行排序?


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