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        SQL 仅选择存在多个关系的行


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                • 本文介绍了SQL 仅选择存在多个关系的行的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  ║ PARENT_ID ║   NAME   ║
                  ║         1 ║ bob      ║
                  ║         2 ║ carol    ║
                  ║         3 ║ stew     ║


                  and a many-many relationship table 'rel' between parent and a (here unspecified) property table

                  ║ PARENT_ID ║  PROP_ID  ║
                  ║         1 ║         5 ║
                  ║         1 ║         1 ║
                  ║         2 ║         5 ║
                  ║         2 ║         4 ║
                  ║         2 ║         1 ║
                  ║         3 ║         1 ║
                  ║         3 ║         3 ║

                  如何选择具有所有一组指定关系的所有父级?例如.使用示例数据,如何找到同时拥有属性 5 和属性 1 的所有父母?

                  How can I select all parents that have all of a specified set of relationships? E.g. with the sample data, how can I find all parents that have both property 5 and 1?

                  同样的问题,但要求 完全 匹配:SQL 仅选择存在精确多重关系的行

                  edit: Same question but with requirement for an exact match: SQL Select only rows where exact multiple relationships exist


                  这叫做 关系划分

                  This is called Relational Division

                  SELECT  a.name
                  FROM    parent a
                          INNER JOIN rel b
                              ON a.parent_ID = b.parent_ID
                  WHERE   b.prop_id IN (1,5)
                  GROUP BY a.name
                  HAVING COUNT(*) = 2

                  • SQLFiddle 演示链接
                  • 更新 1

                    如果没有对每个 parent_idprop_id 强制实施 唯一约束,则在这种情况下需要 DISTINCT.

                    if unique constraint was not enforce on prop_id for every parent_id, DISTINCT is needed on this case.

                    SELECT  a.name
                    FROM    parent a
                            INNER JOIN rel b
                                ON a.parent_ID = b.parent_ID
                    WHERE   b.prop_id IN (1,5)
                    GROUP BY a.name
                    HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT b.prop_id) = 2

                    这篇关于SQL 仅选择存在多个关系的行的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:MySQL选择带有日期的行 下一篇:在 SELECT 语句中提取分隔值右侧的字符


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