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          <bdo id='cxjzl'></bdo><ul id='cxjzl'></ul>
        <tfoot id='cxjzl'></tfoot>
      1. 在查询中使用 except 时出现语法错误

          <i id='qhost'><tr id='qhost'><dt id='qhost'><q id='qhost'><span id='qhost'><b id='qhost'><form id='qhost'><ins id='qhost'></ins><ul id='qhost'></ul><sub id='qhost'></sub></form><legend id='qhost'></legend><bdo id='qhost'><pre id='qhost'><center id='qhost'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='qhost'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='qhost'><tfoot id='qhost'></tfoot><dl id='qhost'><fieldset id='qhost'></fieldset></dl></div>
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                <bdo id='qhost'></bdo><ul id='qhost'></ul>

                  本文介绍了在查询中使用 except 时出现语法错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  mysql> SELECT s.sno FROM students s;  
                  | sno  |   
                  |    1 |   
                  |    2 |   
                  |    3 |   
                  |    4 |   
                  |    5 |    
                  |    6 |    
                  |    7 |   
                  |    8 |   
                  |    9 |   
                  |   10 |   
                  10 rows in set (0.00 sec)  


                  mysql> SELECT t.sno FROM take t WHERE t.cno = 'CS112';  
                  | sno  |  
                  |    1 |  
                  |    2 |  
                  |    3 |  
                  |    4 |  
                  4 rows in set (0.00 sec)  


                  SELECT s.sno FROM students s    
                  SELECT t.sno FROM take t WHERE t.cno = 'CS112';  


                  mysql> SELECT s.sno FROM students s  
                      -> EXCEPT  
                      -> SELECT t.sno FROM take t WHERE t.cno = 'CS112';  
                  ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that   corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use n   
                  ear 'EXCEPT   
                  SELECT t.sno FROM take t WHERE t.cno = 'CS112'' at line 2 



                  我不相信 MySQL 支持 EXCEPT 语法.尝试使用 NOT INLEFT JOIN:

                  I don't believe MySQL supports EXCEPT syntax. Try using NOT IN or a LEFT JOIN:

                  SELECT s.sno 
                  FROM students s    
                  WHERE s.sno NOT IN 
                      SELECT t.sno 
                      FROM take t 
                      WHERE t.cno = 'CS112'

                  SELECT s.sno 
                  FROM students s    
                      LEFT JOIN take t ON s.sno = t.sno
                  WHERE IFNULL(t.cno, '') != 'CS112'


                  我模拟了你的数据,它正确地返回了 5 到 10:

                  I mocked up your data as such and it correctly returns 5 through 10:

                  create temporary table temp_students (sno int)
                  insert into temp_students values (1)
                  insert into temp_students values (2)
                  insert into temp_students values (3)
                  insert into temp_students values (4)
                  insert into temp_students values (5)
                  insert into temp_students values (6)
                  insert into temp_students values (7)
                  insert into temp_students values (8)
                  insert into temp_students values (9)
                  insert into temp_students values (10)
                  create temporary table temp_take (sno int, cno varchar(50))
                  insert into temp_take values (1, 'CS112')
                  insert into temp_take values (2, 'CS112')
                  insert into temp_take values (3, 'CS112')
                  insert into temp_take values (4, 'CS112')
                  SELECT s.sno 
                  FROM temp_students s    
                          LEFT JOIN temp_take t ON s.sno = t.sno
                  WHERE IFNULL(t.cno, '') != 'CS112'

                  这篇关于在查询中使用 except 时出现语法错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:DateTimeField 查询集在 Django 中返回 None 下一篇:确定记录是否存在的最快方法


                    • <bdo id='BFVya'></bdo><ul id='BFVya'></ul>

                    <i id='BFVya'><tr id='BFVya'><dt id='BFVya'><q id='BFVya'><span id='BFVya'><b id='BFVya'><form id='BFVya'><ins id='BFVya'></ins><ul id='BFVya'></ul><sub id='BFVya'></sub></form><legend id='BFVya'></legend><bdo id='BFVya'><pre id='BFVya'><center id='BFVya'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='BFVya'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='BFVya'><tfoot id='BFVya'></tfoot><dl id='BFVya'><fieldset id='BFVya'></fieldset></dl></div>

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