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      1. Oracle SQL - 如何检索列的最高 5 个值


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                • 本文介绍了Oracle SQL - 如何检索列的最高 5 个值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  How do you write a query where only a select number of rows are returned with either the highest or lowest column value.

                  即一份薪水最高的 5 名员工的报告?

                  i.e. A report with the 5 highest salaried employees?


                  最好的方法是使用解析函数,RANK() 或 DENSE_RANK() ...

                  The best way to do this is with analytic functions, RANK() or DENSE_RANK() ...

                  SQL> select * from (
                    2        select empno
                    3               , sal
                    4               , rank() over (order by sal desc) as rnk
                    5        from emp)
                    6  where rnk <= 5
                    7  /
                       EMPNO        SAL        RNK
                  ---------- ---------- ----------
                        7839       5000          1
                        7788       3000          2
                        7902       3000          2
                        7566       2975          4
                        8083       2850          5
                        7698       2850          5
                  6 rows selected.

                  DENSE_RANK() 在平局时压缩间隙:

                  DENSE_RANK() compresses the gaps when there is a tie:

                  SQL> select * from (
                    2        select empno
                    3               , sal
                    4               , dense_rank() over (order by sal desc) as rnk
                    5        from emp)
                    6  where rnk <= 5
                    7  /
                       EMPNO        SAL        RNK
                  ---------- ---------- ----------
                        7839       5000          1
                        7788       3000          2
                        7902       3000          2
                        7566       2975          3
                        8083       2850          4
                        7698       2850          4
                        8070       2500          5
                  7 rows selected.


                  Which behaviour you prefer depends upon your business requirements.

                  还有 ROW_NUMBER() 分析函数,我们可以使用它来返回精确的行数.但是,我们应该避免使用基于行号的解决方案,除非业务逻辑乐于在出现平局时任意截断结果集.要求五个最高值按高值排序的前五个记录

                  There is also the ROW_NUMBER() analytic function which we can use to return a precise number of rows. However, we should avoid using solutions based on row number unless the business logic is happy to arbitrarily truncate the result set in the event of a tie. There is a difference between asking for the five highest values and the first five records sorted by high values

                  还有一个使用 ROWNUM 伪列的非解析解.这很笨拙,因为 ROWNUM 在 ORDER BY 子句之前应用,这可能会导致意外结果.很少有理由使用 ROWNUM 而不是 ROW_NUMBER() 或排名函数之一.

                  There is also a non-analytic solution using the ROWNUM pseudo-column. This is clunky because ROWNUM is applied before the ORDER BY clause, which can lead to unexpected results. There is rarely any reason to use ROWNUM instead of ROW_NUMBER() or one of the ranking functions.

                  这篇关于Oracle SQL - 如何检索列的最高 5 个值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:GROUP BY 如何工作? 下一篇:如何声明变量并在同一个 Oracle SQL 脚本中使用它?


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