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    2. 动态旋转表 Oracle

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                本文介绍了动态旋转表 Oracle的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                I have a table that looks like this:

                C_ID   P_ID   KEY    VALUE
                null   null   KEY1   VALUE1
                null   null   KEY2   VALUE2
                null   null   KEY3   VALUE3
                2       2     KEY4   VALUE4
                2       3     KEY5   VALUE5


                I want to get this result table/view:

                C_ID   P_ID   KEY1    KEY2    KEY3      KEY4    KEY5
                NULL   NULL  VALUE1  VALUE2  VALUE3     NULL    NULL
                2       2     NULL    NULL    NULL     VALUE4   NULL
                2       3     NULL    NULL    NULL      NULL   VALUE5


                Has anybody an Idea how I could achieve this? I have tried it with:

                select * from (select c_id, p_id, r_key, r_value from s_projectroles) pivot (max(r_value) for r_key in (any));


                ORA-00936: Ausdruck fehlt
                00936. 00000 -  "missing expression"


                这可以通过以下方式动态完成.首先,这里是查询的静态版本,因此您可以看到最终的 sql:

                This can be done dynamically the following way. First, here is the static version of the query so you can see the final sql:

                select c_id,
                  max(case when r_key= 'KEY1' then r_value  end) KEY1,
                  max(case when r_key= 'KEY2' then r_value  end) KEY2,
                  max(case when r_key= 'KEY3' then r_value  end) KEY3,
                  max(case when r_key= 'KEY4' then r_value  end) KEY4,
                  max(case when r_key= 'KEY5' then r_value  end) KEY5
                from s_projectroles
                group by c_id, p_id

                参见SQL Fiddle with Demo


                Then to do this dynamically, you can create the following procedure:

                CREATE OR REPLACE procedure dynamic_pivot(p_cursor in out sys_refcursor)
                    sql_query varchar2(1000) := 'select c_id, P_id ';
                        for x in (select distinct r_key from s_projectroles order by 1)
                            sql_query := sql_query ||
                              ' , max(case when r_key = '''||x.r_key||''' then r_value end) as '||x.r_key;
                        end loop;
                        sql_query := sql_query || ' from s_projectroles group by c_id, p_id';
                        open p_cursor for sql_query;


                variable x refcursor
                exec dynamic_pivot(:x)
                print x


                |   C_ID |   P_ID |   KEY1 |   KEY2 |   KEY3 |   KEY4 |   KEY5 |
                | (null) | (null) | VALUE1 | VALUE2 | VALUE3 | (null) | (null) |
                |      2 |      2 | (null) | (null) | (null) | VALUE4 | (null) |
                |      2 |      3 | (null) | (null) | (null) | (null) | VALUE5 |

                这篇关于动态旋转表 Oracle的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:PLS-00428:此 SELECT 语句中需要 INTO 子句 下一篇:Sql*plus 总是返回退出代码 0?


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