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        Oracle - ORA-01489: 字符串连接的结果太长

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                • <small id='0ZdMd'></small><noframes id='0ZdMd'>

                  本文介绍了Oracle - ORA-01489: 字符串连接的结果太长的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  创建了一个视图,其中一个字段(共 6 个)是源表中两个字段的串联.创建了第二个视图,该视图使用 listagg 来潜在地组合串联的结果.使用此两步操作正确返回源表中两个字段的 listagg 串联.

                  Created one view within which one field(of 6) is a concatenation of two fields from the source table. Created a second view that uses listagg to potentially combine the results of the concatenation. Using this two step operation correctly returns the listagg concatenation of the two fields from the source table.

                  当我尝试创建一个既会产生串联又会产生 listagg 的视图时,我收到 oracle 错误 ora-01489 字符串串联的结果太长.

                  When I try to create one view that will both produce the concatenation and the listagg, I get the oracle error ora-01489 Result of string concatenation is too long.

                  作为测试,我选择了 max(length(concatenated field) 并返回了 837.因此,似乎声明的错误是错误的.

                  As a test, I selected max(length(concatenated field) and that returned 837. So the stated error is in error, it seems.

                  所以它必须在语法中.我已经尝试过 rtrim、trim 甚至 substr,但无法获得同时编译 listagg(concatenation) 和返回数据的视图语句.

                  So it must be in the syntax. I have tried rtrim, trim and even substr, but cannot get the view statement to both compile listagg(concatenation) and return data.

                  我能够开发正确返回数据的两个视图表明我已经掌握了基本语法,但是我无法弄清楚将串联与 listagg 函数结合起来的任务.

                  That I am able to develop the two views that correctly return the data suggests I have the basic syntax down, but the task of combining the concatenation with the listagg function I have not been able to figure out.

                  在另一种情况下,我已经能够在一个语句中将串联与 listagg 函数结合起来:

                  In a separate situation, I have been able to combine the concatenation with the listagg function in one statement:

                      LISTAGG (STATEMENTS || ' - ' || BIRTH_DATE, ';  ')
                                     WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY STATEMENTS || ' - ' || BIRTH_DATE)
                                     AS GROWING_UP


                  This syntax correctly returns the desired data.........

                  但在上述情况下,类似的语法会导致 Ora-01489 错误.

                  But in the situation described above, similar syntax creates the Ora-01489 error.

                  知道有时 Oracle 错误可能会产生误导,我想知道是否有任何机上专家可能知道除了说明 Oracle 可能会抛出此错误之外的任何其他原因?

                  Knowing that at times Oracle errors can be misleading, I am wondering if any onboard experts might know of any reason other than that stated that Oracle might throw this error?

                  LISTAGG ((NUMBER || '-' || text), ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY (NUMBER || '-' || text))
                    restrictions FROM source



                  您超出了 SQL 限制 4000 字节,这也适用于 LISTAGG.

                  You are exceeding the SQL limit of 4000 bytes which applies to LISTAGG as well.

                  SQL> SELECT listagg(text, ',') WITHIN GROUP (
                    2  ORDER BY NULL)
                    3  FROM
                    4    (SELECT to_char(to_date(level,'j'), 'jsp') text FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL < 250
                    5    )
                    6  /
                  SELECT listagg(text, ',') WITHIN GROUP (
                  ERROR at line 1:
                  ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long

                  作为一种解决方法,您可以使用 XMLAGG.

                  As a workaround, you could use XMLAGG.


                  SQL> SET LONG 2000000
                  SQL> SET pagesize 50000
                  SQL> SELECT rtrim(xmlagg(XMLELEMENT(e,text,',').EXTRACT('//text()')
                    2                     ).GetClobVal(),',') very_long_text
                    3  FROM
                    4    (SELECT to_char(to_date(level,'j'), 'jsp') text FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL < 250
                    5    )
                    6  /
                  our,ninety-five,ninety-six,ninety-seven,ninety-eight,ninety-nine,one hundred,one
                   hundred one,one hundred two,one hundred three,one hundred four,one hundred five
                  ,one hundred six,one hundred seven,one hundred eight,one hundred nine,one hundre
                  d ten,one hundred eleven,one hundred twelve,one hundred thirteen,one hundred fou
                  rteen,one hundred fifteen,one hundred sixteen,one hundred seventeen,one hundred
                  eighteen,one hundred nineteen,one hundred twenty,one hundred twenty-one,one hund
                  red twenty-two,one hundred twenty-three,one hundred twenty-four,one hundred twen
                  ty-five,one hundred twenty-six,one hundred twenty-seven,one hundred twenty-eight
                  ,one hundred twenty-nine,one hundred thirty,one hundred thirty-one,one hundred t
                  hirty-two,one hundred thirty-three,one hundred thirty-four,one hundred thirty-fi
                  ve,one hundred thirty-six,one hundred thirty-seven,one hundred thirty-eight,one
                  hundred thirty-nine,one hundred forty,one hundred forty-one,one hundred forty-tw
                  o,one hundred forty-three,one hundred forty-four,one hundred forty-five,one hund
                  red forty-six,one hundred forty-seven,one hundred forty-eight,one hundred forty-
                  nine,one hundred fifty,one hundred fifty-one,one hundred fifty-two,one hundred f
                  ifty-three,one hundred fifty-four,one hundred fifty-five,one hundred fifty-six,o
                  ne hundred fifty-seven,one hundred fifty-eight,one hundred fifty-nine,one hundre
                  d sixty,one hundred sixty-one,one hundred sixty-two,one hundred sixty-three,one
                  hundred sixty-four,one hundred sixty-five,one hundred sixty-six,one hundred sixt
                  y-seven,one hundred sixty-eight,one hundred sixty-nine,one hundred seventy,one h
                  undred seventy-one,one hundred seventy-two,one hundred seventy-three,one hundred
                   seventy-four,one hundred seventy-five,one hundred seventy-six,one hundred seven
                  ty-seven,one hundred seventy-eight,one hundred seventy-nine,one hundred eighty,o
                  ne hundred eighty-one,one hundred eighty-two,one hundred eighty-three,one hundre
                  d eighty-four,one hundred eighty-five,one hundred eighty-six,one hundred eighty-
                  seven,one hundred eighty-eight,one hundred eighty-nine,one hundred ninety,one hu
                  ndred ninety-one,one hundred ninety-two,one hundred ninety-three,one hundred nin
                  ety-four,one hundred ninety-five,one hundred ninety-six,one hundred ninety-seven
                  ,one hundred ninety-eight,one hundred ninety-nine,two hundred,two hundred one,tw
                  o hundred two,two hundred three,two hundred four,two hundred five,two hundred si
                  x,two hundred seven,two hundred eight,two hundred nine,two hundred ten,two hundr
                  ed eleven,two hundred twelve,two hundred thirteen,two hundred fourteen,two hundr
                  ed fifteen,two hundred sixteen,two hundred seventeen,two hundred eighteen,two hu
                  ndred nineteen,two hundred twenty,two hundred twenty-one,two hundred twenty-two,
                  two hundred twenty-three,two hundred twenty-four,two hundred twenty-five,two hun
                  dred twenty-six,two hundred twenty-seven,two hundred twenty-eight,two hundred tw
                  enty-nine,two hundred thirty,two hundred thirty-one,two hundred thirty-two,two h
                  undred thirty-three,two hundred thirty-four,two hundred thirty-five,two hundred
                  thirty-six,two hundred thirty-seven,two hundred thirty-eight,two hundred thirty-
                  nine,two hundred forty,two hundred forty-one,two hundred forty-two,two hundred f
                  orty-three,two hundred forty-four,two hundred forty-five,two hundred forty-six,t
                  wo hundred forty-seven,two hundred forty-eight,two hundred forty-nine


                  如果您想连接多个列,而这些列本身有4000 字节,那么您可以连接每列的 XMLAGG 输出,以避免 SQL 限制为 4000 字节.

                  If you want to concatenate multiple columns which itself have 4000 bytes, then you can concatenate the XMLAGG output of each column to avoid the SQL limit of 4000 bytes.


                  WITH DATA AS
                    ( SELECT 1 id, rpad('a1',4000,'*') col1, rpad('b1',4000,'*') col2 FROM dual
                    SELECT 2 id, rpad('a2',4000,'*') col1, rpad('b2',4000,'*') col2 FROM dual
                  SELECT ID,
                         rtrim(xmlagg(XMLELEMENT(e,col1,',').EXTRACT('//text()') ).GetClobVal(), ',')
                         rtrim(xmlagg(XMLELEMENT(e,col2,',').EXTRACT('//text()') ).GetClobVal(), ',') 
                         AS very_long_text
                  FROM DATA
                  GROUP BY ID
                  ORDER BY ID;

                  这篇关于Oracle - ORA-01489: 字符串连接的结果太长的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:在 OS X Mavericks 上安装 RODBC/ROracle 包 下一篇:CASE 语句和 DECODE 是否等效?


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