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    3. 使用 JDBC 从存储过程中获取 Oracle 表类型

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                本文介绍了使用 JDBC 从存储过程中获取 Oracle 表类型的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我正在尝试了解使用 JDBC 从 Oracle 存储过程/函数获取表数据的不同方法.六种方式如下:

                I'm trying to understand different ways of getting table data from Oracle stored procedures / functions using JDBC. The six ways are the following ones:

                1. 将架构级表类型作为 OUT 参数返回的过程
                2. 将包级表类型作为 OUT 参数返回的过程
                3. 将包级游标类型作为 OUT 参数返回的过程
                4. 返回架构级表类型的函数
                5. 返回包级表类型的函数
                6. 返回包级游标类型的函数

                以下是 PL/SQL 中的一些示例:

                Here are some examples in PL/SQL:

                -- schema-level table type
                CREATE TYPE t_type AS OBJECT (val VARCHAR(4));
                CREATE TYPE t_table AS TABLE OF t_type;
                CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE t_package AS
                  -- package level table type
                  TYPE t_table IS TABLE OF some_table%rowtype;
                  -- package level cursor type
                  TYPE t_cursor IS REF CURSOR;
                END library_types;
                -- and example procedures:
                CREATE PROCEDURE p_1 (result OUT t_table);
                CREATE PROCEDURE p_2 (result OUT t_package.t_table);
                CREATE PROCEDURE p_3 (result OUT t_package.t_cursor);
                CREATE FUNCTION f_4 RETURN t_table;
                CREATE FUNCTION f_5 RETURN t_package.t_table;
                CREATE FUNCTION f_6 RETURN t_package.t_cursor;

                我已经成功地使用 JDBC 调用了 3、4 和 6:

                I have succeeded in calling 3, 4, and 6 with JDBC:

                // Not OK: p_1 and p_2
                CallableStatement call = connection.prepareCall("{ call p_1(?) }");
                call.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
                call.execute(); // Raises PLS-00306. Obviously CURSOR is the wrong type
                // OK: p_3
                CallableStatement call = connection.prepareCall("{ call p_3(?) }");
                call.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
                ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) call.getObject(1); // Cursor results
                // OK: f_4
                PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("select * from table(f_4)");
                ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
                // Not OK: f_5
                PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("select * from table(f_5)");
                stmt.executeQuery(); // Raises ORA-00902: Invalid data type
                // OK: f_6
                CallableStatement call = connection.prepareCall("{ ? = call f_6 }");
                call.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
                ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) call.getObject(1); // Cursor results


                So obviously, I'm having trouble understanding

                1. 如何从存储过程中的 OUT 参数中检索架构级和包级表类型
                2. 如何从存储的函数中检索包级表类型


                I can't seem to find any documentation on this, as everyone always uses cursors instead of table types. Maybe because it's not possible? I prefer table types, though, because they are formally defined and can be discovered using the dictionary views (at least the schema-level table types).

                注意:显然,我可以编写一个包装函数来返回 OUT 参数和包级表类型.但我更喜欢干净的解决方案.

                Note: obviously, I could write a wrapper function returning the OUT parameters and package-level table types. But I'd prefer the clean solution.


                您无法从 java 访问 PLSQL 对象(案例 2 & 5 = 包级对象),请参阅 "java - 在 oracle 存储过程中传递数组".但是,您可以访问 SQL 类型(案例 1 和 4).

                You can't access PLSQL objects (cases 2 & 5 = package-level objects) from java, see "java - passing array in oracle stored procedure". You can however access SQL types (case 1 and 4).

                从PL/SQL中获取OUT参数到java,可以使用Tom Kyte 的一个线程 使用 OracleCallableStatement.由于您检索的是 Object 表而不是 VARCHAR 表,因此您的代码将有一个额外的步骤.

                To get OUT parameters from PL/SQL to java, you can use the method described in one of Tom Kyte's thread using OracleCallableStatement. Your code will have an additional step since you're retrieving a table of Object instead of a table of VARCHAR.

                这是一个使用 SQL 对象表的演示,首先是设置:

                Here's a demo using Table of SQL Object, first the setup:

                SQL> CREATE TYPE t_type AS OBJECT (val VARCHAR(4));
                  2  /
                Type created
                SQL> CREATE TYPE t_table AS TABLE OF t_type;
                  2  /
                Type created
                SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE p_sql_type (p_out OUT t_table) IS
                  2  BEGIN
                  3     p_out := t_table(t_type('a'), t_type('b'));
                  4  END;
                  5  /
                Procedure created


                The actual java class (using dbms_output.put_line to log because I will call it from SQL, use System.out.println if called from java):

                SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE
                  2  AND COMPILE JAVA SOURCE NAMED "ArrayDemo"
                  3  as
                  4  import java.sql.*;
                  5  import oracle.sql.*;
                  6  import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
                  8  public class ArrayDemo {
                 10     private static void log(String s) throws SQLException {
                 11        PreparedStatement ps =
                 12           new OracleDriver().defaultConnection().prepareStatement
                 13           ( "begin dbms_output.put_line(:x); end;" );
                 14        ps.setString(1, s);
                 15        ps.execute();
                 16        ps.close();
                 17     }
                 19     public static void getArray() throws SQLException {
                 21        Connection conn = new OracleDriver().defaultConnection();
                 23        OracleCallableStatement cs =
                 24           (OracleCallableStatement)conn.prepareCall
                 25           ( "begin p_sql_type(?); end;" );
                 26        cs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.ARRAY, "T_TABLE");
                 27        cs.execute();
                 28        ARRAY array_to_pass = cs.getARRAY(1);
                 30        /*showing content*/
                 31        Datum[] elements = array_to_pass.getOracleArray();
                 33        for (int i=0;i<elements.length;i++){
                 34           Object[] element = ((STRUCT) elements[i]).getAttributes();
                 35           String value = (String)element[0];
                 36           log("array(" + i + ").val=" + value);
                 37        }
                 38     }
                 39  }
                 40  /
                Java created


                SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE
                  2  PROCEDURE show_java_calling_plsql
                  3  AS LANGUAGE JAVA
                  4  NAME 'ArrayDemo.getArray()';
                  5  /
                Procedure created
                SQL> EXEC show_java_calling_plsql;

                这篇关于使用 JDBC 从存储过程中获取 Oracle 表类型的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:在 where 子句中使用“case 表达式列" 下一篇:如何在 oracle 9i 中最好地拆分 csv 字符串


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