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        在 MySQL 中定义具有自动增量的复合键

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                  本文介绍了在 MySQL 中定义具有自动增量的复合键的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  我有一个引用两个外键的表,对于这些外键的每个唯一组合,都有自己的 auto_increment 列.我需要实现一个复合键,以帮助使用这三者的组合(一个外键和一个 auto_increment 列,以及另一个具有非唯一值的列)将行标识为唯一的

                  I have a table which references two foreign keys, and for each unique combination of these foreign keys, has its own auto_increment column. I need to implement a Composite Key that will help identify the row as unique using combination of these three (one foreign keys and one auto_increment column, and one other column with non-unique values)


                  CREATE  TABLE `issue_log` (
                  `sr_no` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
                    `app_id` INT NOT NULL ,
                    `test_id` INT NOT NULL ,
                    `issue_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ,
                  primary key (app_id, test_id,sr_no)


                  Of course, there has to be something wrong with my query, because of which the error thrown is:

                  ERROR 1075:表定义不正确;只能有一辆汽车列,必须定义为键

                  ERROR 1075: Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key


                  我有一个应用程序表(以 app_id 作为其主键),每个应用程序都有一组要解决的问题,每个应用程序都有多个测试(因此 test_id col)sr_no col 应该为唯一的 app_id 和 test_id 增加.

                  I have an Application Table (with app_id as its primary key), each Application has a set of Issues to be resolved, and each Application has multiple number of tests (so the test_id col) The sr_no col should increment for unique app_id and test_id.


                  i.e. The data in table should look like:

                  数据库引擎是 InnoDB.我想以尽可能简单的方式实现这一点(即,如果可能,请避免触发器/程序 - 建议用于其他问题的类似案例).

                  The database engine is InnoDB. I want to achieve this with as much simplicity as possible (i.e. avoid triggers/procedures if possible - which was suggested for similar cases on other Questions).


                  对于 InnoDB 表,您不能让 MySQL 自动为您执行此操作 - 您需要使用触发器或过程,或者使用其他数据库引擎,例如 MyISAM.只能对单个主键进行自动递增.

                  You can't have MySQL do this for you automatically for InnoDB tables - you would need to use a trigger or procedure, or user another DB engine such as MyISAM. Auto incrementing can only be done for a single primary key.


                  Something like the following should work

                  DELIMITER $$
                  CREATE TRIGGER xxx BEFORE INSERT ON issue_log
                  FOR EACH ROW BEGIN
                      SET NEW.sr_no = (
                         SELECT IFNULL(MAX(sr_no), 0) + 1
                         FROM issue_log
                         WHERE app_id  = NEW.app_id
                           AND test_id = NEW.test_id
                  END $$
                  DELIMITER ;

                  这篇关于在 MySQL 中定义具有自动增量的复合键的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何在选择查询中生成自增字段 下一篇:ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE 的自动增量太多


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