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      1. MySQL Zend 框架 - SQLSTATE[42000]:语法错误或访问冲突:1064

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                • 本文介绍了MySQL Zend 框架 - SQLSTATE[42000]:语法错误或访问冲突:1064的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I've read every response I could fine on SO before posting this question. Although similar, none addressed my particular problem (or I didn't recognize them doing so).

                  我有一个扩展 Zend_Db_Table_Abstract 的表类.在模型中,我尝试使用 join() 方法并基于如下表 ID 返回单行:

                  I have a table class that extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract. In the model, I'm trying to return a single row using a join() method and based on the table ID like this:

                          $getCategoryResults = $this->select();
                                             ->from(array('c'=> 'categories', '*'))
                                             ->join(array('e' => 'events'),'c.events_idEvent = e.idEvent', array())
                                              ->where("e.idEvent = ?", $idEvent);

                  当我回显 sql 对象时,我得到这个:

                  when I echo the sql object, I get this:

                  SELECT `c`.* FROM `categories` AS `c` 
                  INNER JOIN `events` AS `e` ON c.events_idEvent = e.idEvent 
                  WHERE (e.idEvent = '1')


                  Oddly enough, if I use this format,

                  ->where("e.idEvent = $idEvent");

                  我的输出是WHERE (e.idEvent = 1)".该值未包含在刻度中,但似乎适用于 MySQL.当我在 phpMyAdmin 中运行查询时,我得到这个:

                  my output is "WHERE (e.idEvent = 1)". The value is not enclosed in ticks, but either seems to work for MySQL. When I run the query in phpMyAdmin, I get this:

                  idCategory type displayOrder description localStartTime events_idEvent
                  1 个人 1 5k 跑步/步行 2010-02-18 23:59:59 1
                  2 team 2 5k Team Category 2010-02-18 23:59:591 1

                  idCategory type displayOrder description localStartTime events_idEvent
                  1 individual 1 5k Run / Walk 2010-02-18 23:59:59 1
                  2 team 2 5k Team Category 2010-02-18 23:59:591 1


                  which is what I expected to see. But when I run my app in a browser, I get this ugliness:

                  SQLSTATE[42000]:语法错误或访问冲突:1064 你的 SQL 语法有错误;检查与您的 MySQL 服务器版本相对应的手册,了解在 'SELECT c.* FROM categories AS c INNER JOIN <附近使用的正确语法code>events AS e ON c.events_id' 在第 1 行

                  SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT c.* FROM categories AS c INNER JOIN events AS e ON c.events_id' at line 1

                  我已经检查了我能想到的所有资源.希望 SO 超级专家的结合使我成为最后一站.:D

                  I've checked every resource that I can think of. Hopefully, the combined awesomeness of SO uber-experts will make this my last stop. :D


                  查看错误语句的第二部分.如果 mysql 在其他地方,很可能是关于访问冲突.

                  Check out the second part of the error statement. Most likely it is regarding an access violation if the mysql elsewhere.

                  这篇关于MySQL Zend 框架 - SQLSTATE[42000]:语法错误或访问冲突:1064的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:MYSQL 访问控制 下一篇:您建议使用哪个用户帐户在开发环境中运行 SQL Server Express 2008 服务?


                • <i id='XLaj7'><tr id='XLaj7'><dt id='XLaj7'><q id='XLaj7'><span id='XLaj7'><b id='XLaj7'><form id='XLaj7'><ins id='XLaj7'></ins><ul id='XLaj7'></ul><sub id='XLaj7'></sub></form><legend id='XLaj7'></legend><bdo id='XLaj7'><pre id='XLaj7'><center id='XLaj7'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='XLaj7'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='XLaj7'><tfoot id='XLaj7'></tfoot><dl id='XLaj7'><fieldset id='XLaj7'></fieldset></dl></div>

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