我尝试使用 AWS RDS 代理 服务并意识到唯一的 兼容版本 服务是 AWS Aurora.
I was trying to use the AWS RDS Proxy service and realized that the only compatible versions with the service are AWS Aurora.
我目前拥有的数据库是使用 MySQL 8.0.20 版本的 MySQL 数据库.AWS Aurora 与 MySQL 兼容,但仅适用于 5.6 和 5.7 版.我不太熟悉这些版本以及它与 8.0.20 版本有何不同.
The current database I have is a MySQL database using MySQL version 8.0.20. AWS Aurora is MySQL compatible but only with version 5.6 and 5.7. I am not overly familiar with these versions and how different it would be to version 8.0.20.
有没有人经历过将 MySQL 数据库转换为 Aurora 的过程?我知道有 docs那里的主题,但他们处理版本 5.6 或 5.7,有人为更高版本做过吗?
Has anyone gone through the process of converting a MySQL database to Aurora? I know there are docs on the subject out there but they deal with version 5.6 or 5.7, has anyone done it for later versions?
我在 SQL 文件中拥有所有 MySQL 代码以及存储过程,因此可以在一定程度上自动化数据库创建,只是如果有人遇到问题/找到比运行多个 SQL 文件更好的方法传输数据.
I have all the MySQL code in SQL files along with the stored procedures so the database creation can be automated to an extent, it would just be if anyone has ran into issues doing it/found a better way than running multiple SQL files to transfer over data.
如果您已经完成了整个过程,MySQL 和 Aurora 在运行存储过程等方面是否存在重大差异?
If you have gone through the process are there major differences between MySQL and Aurora in terms of running stored procedures etc?
AWS Aurora 现在支持 MySQL 8:https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/amazon-aurora-mysql-3-with-mysql-8-0-compatibility-is-now-generally-available/
MySQL 8 is now supported in AWS Aurora: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/amazon-aurora-mysql-3-with-mysql-8-0-compatibility-is-now-generally-available/
它们特别包括通过只读副本提升或从 rds 到 Aurora 的完整快照还原的迁移路径.
They include the migration path in particular through a read replica promotion or full snapshot restore from rds into aurora.
这篇关于将 MySQL 8.0.20 数据库迁移到 AWS Aurora的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!