<legend id='RqwIH'><style id='RqwIH'><dir id='RqwIH'><q id='RqwIH'></q></dir></style></legend>
  • <tfoot id='RqwIH'></tfoot>
      <bdo id='RqwIH'></bdo><ul id='RqwIH'></ul>

      <i id='RqwIH'><tr id='RqwIH'><dt id='RqwIH'><q id='RqwIH'><span id='RqwIH'><b id='RqwIH'><form id='RqwIH'><ins id='RqwIH'></ins><ul id='RqwIH'></ul><sub id='RqwIH'></sub></form><legend id='RqwIH'></legend><bdo id='RqwIH'><pre id='RqwIH'><center id='RqwIH'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='RqwIH'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='RqwIH'><tfoot id='RqwIH'></tfoot><dl id='RqwIH'><fieldset id='RqwIH'></fieldset></dl></div>
    1. <small id='RqwIH'></small><noframes id='RqwIH'>

      1. 创建临时表前先检查临时表是否存在,如果存在则删除

      2. <legend id='W20lO'><style id='W20lO'><dir id='W20lO'><q id='W20lO'></q></dir></style></legend>

        <tfoot id='W20lO'></tfoot>

              <bdo id='W20lO'></bdo><ul id='W20lO'></ul>
              1. <small id='W20lO'></small><noframes id='W20lO'>

                  <tbody id='W20lO'></tbody>
                <i id='W20lO'><tr id='W20lO'><dt id='W20lO'><q id='W20lO'><span id='W20lO'><b id='W20lO'><form id='W20lO'><ins id='W20lO'></ins><ul id='W20lO'></ul><sub id='W20lO'></sub></form><legend id='W20lO'></legend><bdo id='W20lO'><pre id='W20lO'><center id='W20lO'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='W20lO'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='W20lO'><tfoot id='W20lO'></tfoot><dl id='W20lO'><fieldset id='W20lO'></fieldset></dl></div>
                • 本文介绍了创建临时表前先检查临时表是否存在,如果存在则删除的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I am using the following code to check if the temporary table exists and drop the table if it exists before creating again. It works fine as long as I don't change the columns. If I add a column later, it will give an error saying "invalid column". Please let me know what I am doing wrong.

                  IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Results') IS NOT NULL
                      DROP TABLE #Results
                  CREATE TABLE #Results
                      Company                CHAR(3),
                      StepId                TINYINT,
                      FieldId                TINYINT,
                  select company, stepid, fieldid from #Results
                  --Works fine to this point
                  IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Results') IS NOT NULL
                      DROP TABLE #Results
                  CREATE TABLE #Results
                      Company                CHAR(3),
                      StepId                TINYINT,
                      FieldId                TINYINT,
                      NewColumn            NVARCHAR(50)
                  select company, stepid, fieldid, NewColumn from #Results
                  --Does not work




                  Perhaps I'm not understanding the problem.

                  以下在 SQL Server 2005 中对我来说很好用,额外的foo"列出现在第二个选择结果中:

                  The following works fine for me in SQL Server 2005, with the extra "foo" column appearing in the second select result:

                  IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Results') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Results
                  CREATE TABLE #Results ( Company CHAR(3), StepId TINYINT, FieldId TINYINT )
                  select company, stepid, fieldid from #Results
                  ALTER TABLE #Results ADD foo VARCHAR(50) NULL
                  select company, stepid, fieldid, foo from #Results
                  IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Results') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Results


                  上一篇:如果 SQLite 中不存在,则更改表添加列 下一篇:如何更改 SQL Server 中列的数据类型?


                • <i id='Uqwny'><tr id='Uqwny'><dt id='Uqwny'><q id='Uqwny'><span id='Uqwny'><b id='Uqwny'><form id='Uqwny'><ins id='Uqwny'></ins><ul id='Uqwny'></ul><sub id='Uqwny'></sub></form><legend id='Uqwny'></legend><bdo id='Uqwny'><pre id='Uqwny'><center id='Uqwny'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='Uqwny'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='Uqwny'><tfoot id='Uqwny'></tfoot><dl id='Uqwny'><fieldset id='Uqwny'></fieldset></dl></div>

                • <small id='Uqwny'></small><noframes id='Uqwny'>

                  <legend id='Uqwny'><style id='Uqwny'><dir id='Uqwny'><q id='Uqwny'></q></dir></style></legend>
                  • <bdo id='Uqwny'></bdo><ul id='Uqwny'></ul>

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