<tfoot id='CXtAB'></tfoot>

        <bdo id='CXtAB'></bdo><ul id='CXtAB'></ul>
    1. <i id='CXtAB'><tr id='CXtAB'><dt id='CXtAB'><q id='CXtAB'><span id='CXtAB'><b id='CXtAB'><form id='CXtAB'><ins id='CXtAB'></ins><ul id='CXtAB'></ul><sub id='CXtAB'></sub></form><legend id='CXtAB'></legend><bdo id='CXtAB'><pre id='CXtAB'><center id='CXtAB'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='CXtAB'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='CXtAB'><tfoot id='CXtAB'></tfoot><dl id='CXtAB'><fieldset id='CXtAB'></fieldset></dl></div>
    2. <legend id='CXtAB'><style id='CXtAB'><dir id='CXtAB'><q id='CXtAB'></q></dir></style></legend>
    3. <small id='CXtAB'></small><noframes id='CXtAB'>

    4. “子查询返回多于1行"的解决方案错误


          <i id='crOVV'><tr id='crOVV'><dt id='crOVV'><q id='crOVV'><span id='crOVV'><b id='crOVV'><form id='crOVV'><ins id='crOVV'></ins><ul id='crOVV'></ul><sub id='crOVV'></sub></form><legend id='crOVV'></legend><bdo id='crOVV'><pre id='crOVV'><center id='crOVV'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='crOVV'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='crOVV'><tfoot id='crOVV'></tfoot><dl id='crOVV'><fieldset id='crOVV'></fieldset></dl></div>
          1. <small id='crOVV'></small><noframes id='crOVV'>

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              <tfoot id='crOVV'></tfoot>

                  <tbody id='crOVV'></tbody>

              • <legend id='crOVV'><style id='crOVV'><dir id='crOVV'><q id='crOVV'></q></dir></style></legend>



                I have one query that returns multiple rows, and another query in which I want to set criteria to be either one of values from those multiple rows , so basicly I want the subquery to look something like this:

                select * 
                from table
                where id= (multiple row query);

                其中 multiple row query 返回多行.因此,如果这些行的值是 1、2、3,那么我想将 id 设置为 1 或 2 或 3.

                Where multiple row query returns multiple rows. So if the values from those rows are 1,2,3 then I want to set id to be 1 or 2 or 3.


                = 可以在子查询只返回 1 个值时使用.

                = can be used when the subquery returns only 1 value.

                当子查询返回超过 1 个值时,您将不得不使用 IN:

                When subquery returns more than 1 value, you will have to use IN:

                select * 
                from table
                where id IN (multiple row query);


                SELECT *
                FROM Students
                WHERE Marks = (SELECT MAX(Marks) FROM Students)   --Subquery returns only 1 value
                SELECT *
                FROM Students
                WHERE Marks IN 
                      (SELECT Marks 
                       FROM Students 
                       ORDER BY Marks DESC
                       LIMIT 10)                       --Subquery returns 10 values


                上一篇:为一个值检查多列 下一篇:从本地主机连接到 Docker MySQL 容器?


                <legend id='TZdeo'><style id='TZdeo'><dir id='TZdeo'><q id='TZdeo'></q></dir></style></legend>

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                <tfoot id='TZdeo'></tfoot>
                  <i id='TZdeo'><tr id='TZdeo'><dt id='TZdeo'><q id='TZdeo'><span id='TZdeo'><b id='TZdeo'><form id='TZdeo'><ins id='TZdeo'></ins><ul id='TZdeo'></ul><sub id='TZdeo'></sub></form><legend id='TZdeo'></legend><bdo id='TZdeo'><pre id='TZdeo'><center id='TZdeo'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='TZdeo'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='TZdeo'><tfoot id='TZdeo'></tfoot><dl id='TZdeo'><fieldset id='TZdeo'></fieldset></dl></div>

                    <bdo id='TZdeo'></bdo><ul id='TZdeo'></ul>