MySQL 文档说它应该是 \'
.但是,scite 和 mysql 都显示 ''
您引用的 MySQL 文档实际上比您提到的要多一些.它还说,
(另外,您链接到 MySQL 5.0 版本的表 8.1.特殊字符转义序列,当前版本是 5.6 — 但当前的 表 8.1.特殊字符转义序列看起来非常相似.)>
我认为 Postgres 注释backslash_quote (string)
参数 提供信息:
这控制引号是否可以在字符串文字中用 \'
表示.表示引号的首选 SQL 标准方式是将引号加倍 (''
),但 PostgreSQL 历来也接受 \'
.但是,使用 \'
现在,如果您还想在等式中添加语言选择、SQL 数据库及其非标准特性的选择以及查询框架的选择,那么您最终可能会有不同的选择.你没有提供太多关于你的约束的信息.
The MySQL documentation says that it should be \'
. However, both scite and mysql shows that ''
works. I saw that and it works. What should I do?
The MySQL documentation you cite actually says a little bit more than you mention. It also says,
A "
" inside a string quoted with "'
" may be written as "''
(Also, you linked to the MySQL 5.0 version of Table 8.1. Special Character Escape Sequences, and the current version is 5.6 — but the current Table 8.1. Special Character Escape Sequences looks pretty similar.)
I think the Postgres note on the backslash_quote (string)
parameter is informative:
This controls whether a quote mark can be represented by
in a string literal. The preferred, SQL-standard way to represent a quote mark is by doubling it (''
) but PostgreSQL has historically also accepted\'
. However, use of\'
creates security risks...
That says to me that using a doubled single-quote character is a better overall and long-term choice than using a backslash to escape the single-quote.
Now if you also want to add choice of language, choice of SQL database and its non-standard quirks, and choice of query framework to the equation, then you might end up with a different choice. You don't give much information about your constraints.