Paul 为下面的问题提供了一个有用的脚本,但我想实际影响这些更改.如果我使用select语句,我只能看到它请帮忙解决这个问题
Paul provided a useful script for the issue below but I would like to actually effect the changes. I can only see it if I use the select statement Please help with this one
Firstname Lastname Telephone Many other columns......
John Smith 03907625212
Andrew Evans 0807452132
Bill Towny 05907122139
Dame Beaut 07894650569
我有超过 150,000 条记录,其中电话号码需要采用设置格式(设置电话区号和递增顺序),即 01907000001、01907000002,如下所示.除了名字和姓氏之外,还有其他列都将保持不变.只有电话字段需要此转换.
I have over 150,000 records where the Telephone number needs to be adopted to a set format (set telephone area code and in incremental order) ie 01907000001, 01907000002 as shown below. There are other columns asides the firstname and lastname which will all remain unchanged..only telephone field requires this transformation.
It should ideally look like this:
Firstname Lastname Telephone Many other columns......
John Smith 01907000001
Andrew Evans 01907000002
Bill Towny 01907000003
Dame Beaut 01907000004
I will really appreciate some help or guidance on this.
'01907' + --area code
RIGHT('00000' + --middle padding for zero's
CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [LastName]) AS VARCHAR) --incremental value
,6) AS 'Telephone' --6 characters plus area code
我使用 Adventure Works 只是为了测试它.
I used Adventure Works just to test it.
如果您希望它增加其他内容,请更改窗口函数中的 ORDER BY 子句.
Change the ORDER BY clause in the windowing function if you want it to increment by something else.