.NET Jump List(.NET 跳转列表)
Refresh Windows Explorer in Win7(在 Win7 中刷新 Windows 资源管理器)
How do I code a progress bar for Windows 7 to also update itself on the taskbar?(如何为 Windows 7 编写进度条以在任务栏上
Can we get the UAC prompt to show only once?(我们可以让 UAC 提示只显示一次吗?)
Possible 64-bit operating system issues in C# development(C# 开发中可能出现的 64 位操作系统问题)
Determine if windows is currently playing sound(判断windows当前是否正在播放声音)
Screen.AllScreen is not giving the correct monitor count(Screen.AllScreen 没有给出正确的监视器计数)
How to create a form with a border, but no title bar? (like volume control on Windows 7)(如何创建一个有边框但没有标题栏
C# setting screen brightness Windows 7(C# 设置屏幕亮度 Windows 7)
quot;An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queu
How send raw ethernet packet with C#?(如何使用 C# 发送原始以太网数据包?)
Mute/unmute, Change master volume in Windows 7 x64 with C#(静音/取消静音,使用 C# 在 Windows 7 x64 中更改主音量)