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      1. 具有不同参数的两个方法的 C# 委托


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                  本文介绍了具有不同参数的两个方法的 C# 委托的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  public void M1(Int32 a)
                    // acquire MyMutex
                    // release MyMutex

                  public void M2(String s, String t)
                    // acquire MyMutex
                    DoSomethingElse(s, t);
                    // release MyMutex


                  From what I have found so far it seems that it is not possible to use a single delegate for two methods with different signatures.


                  Are there any other alternatives to write something like this:

                  public void UsingMutex(...)
                    // acquire MyMutex
                    // release MyMutex


                  All I can think for the moment is to use two delegates and a boolean flag to know which delegate to call, but it is not a long term solution.


                  It is possible to combine generics with delegates? And if so, do you have some links for any kind of documentation?

                  环境:C# 2.0


                  绝对可以将委托与泛型混合使用.在 2.0 中,Predicate<T> 等就是很好的例子,但是你必须有相同数量的 args.在这种情况下,也许一种选择是使用捕获将 args 包含在委托中?

                  Absolutely you can mix delegates with generics. In 2.0, Predicate<T> etc are good examples of this, but you must have the same number of args. In this scenario, perhaps an option is to use captures to include the args in the delegate?

                      public delegate void Action();
                      static void Main()
                          DoStuff(delegate {Foo(5);});
                          DoStuff(delegate {Bar("abc","def");});
                      static void DoStuff(Action action)
                      static void Foo(int i)
                      static void Bar(string s, string t)

                  请注意,Action 是在 .NET 3.5 中为您定义的,但您可以为 2.0 目的重新声明它;-p

                  Note that Action is defined for you in .NET 3.5, but you can re-declare it for 2.0 purposes ;-p

                  注意匿名方法(delegate {...})也可以参数化:

                  Note that the anonymous method (delegate {...}) can also be parameterised:

                      static void Main()
                          DoStuff(delegate (string s) {Foo(5);});
                          DoStuff(delegate (string s) {Bar(s,"def");});
                      static void DoStuff(Action<string> action)
                      static void Foo(int i)
                      static void Bar(string s, string t)

                  最后,C# 3.0 使用lambdas"让这一切变得更容易和更漂亮,但这是另一个话题;-p

                  Finally, C# 3.0 makes this all a lot easier and prettier with "lambdas", but that is another topic ;-p

                  这篇关于具有不同参数的两个方法的 C# 委托的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:编译器为委托关键字生成的密封类包含虚方法 下一篇:匿名方法和委托


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