我正在尝试将项目插入到我的 asp.net C# 应用程序的列表框中
I am trying to insert items into a listbox in my asp.net C# application
I concatenate some values and put whitespace in between them but it doesn't show up in the listbox.
ListItem lt = new ListItem();
lt.Text = ItemName + " " + barcode + " " + price; // problem
lt.Value = barcode;
lt.Text = ItemName + " " + barcode + " " + price; // problem
lt.Text = ItemName + "& nbsp;" + barcode + "& nbsp;" + price; //   shows up as text
but that even doesn't seem to work. How can I put whitespace between these strings so that it shows up in the listbox as well
string spaces = Server.HtmlDecode(" ");
lt.Text = ItemName + spaces + barcode + spaces + price; // works