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        Azure Functions:计时器触发器和消费计划问题


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                • 本文介绍了Azure Functions:计时器触发器和消费计划问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  在我的开发环境中,我有一个包含 21 个函数的 Azure Functions,应用计划是消费.

                  In my dev environment, I have an Azure Functions with 21 functions and the app plan is consumption.

                  一些函数有一个计时器触发器,并且在进程结束时每个函数都会发送一封电子邮件.我有 2 种类型的计时器触发器:

                  Some functions have a timer trigger and at the end of the process each function sends an email. I have 2 type of timer trigger:

                  • 每 20 分钟运行一次函数
                  • 在夜间的特定时间运行一次函数

                  每隔 20 分钟,该功能就会按照我的预期进行.太好了.

                  Every 20 minutes the function is doing what I expect. Great.

                  我面临的问题是他们必须在特定时间启动的功能.基本上,直到我打开门户并在 Azure Function 上执行某些操作(例如打开其中一个监视器),它们才会启动.

                  The problem I'm facing is with the function that they have to start at a particular time. Basically, they don't start until I open the portal and do something on the Azure Function (for example open the monitor for one of them).


                  In the code point of view, all functions with the timer trigger are defined like that:

                  public void Run([TimerTrigger("%Timers:GenerateMonthlyInvoices%")] TimerInfo myTimer)
                      // ..
                  public async Task Run([TimerTrigger("%Timers:DunningTimer%")] TimerInfo timer)
                      // ...


                  The configuration of the timer is in the settings file like:

                  "Timers": {
                      "DunningTimer": "0 0 4 * * *",
                      "GenerateMonthlyInvoices": "0 0 4 * * *"


                  Generally, speaking, this approach was working in dev environment and it is working perfectly in the production environment.

                  因为每个函数都会发送一封电子邮件,我希望每天早上都能在我的收件箱中找到一些电子邮件,但它并没有发生.然后,我打开 Azure 门户以查看日志和监视器.

                  Because each function sends an email, I expect each morning to find in my inbox some emails but it doesn't happen. Then, I open the Azure portal to see the logs and the monitor.

                  在门户中打开 Azure 功能.

                  Open the Azure function in the portal.


                  瞧,几秒钟后,我开始收到所有服务的电子邮件!在生产环境中,我没有 dev 中的所有功能,因为我想在部署之前进行测试.在 prod 中,这些功能运行良好,并且在正确的时间启动.

                  Voila, after a couple of seconds, I start to receive the email for all services! In the production environment I don't have all the function I have in dev because I want to test before deploying. In prod the functions are working fine and start at the right time.

                  如果我查看 Application Insights,我只能找到打开监视器时的日志.

                  If I look at Application Insights, I can find only the logs for the time I opened the monitor.


                  There is one interesting thing in the log:


                  Trigger Details: UnscheduledInvocationReason: IsPastDue, OriginalSchedule: 2020-07-24T05:00:00.0000000+00:00

                  显然,在同一个 Azure Functions 中不能有多个计时器触发器.我在 Github 上打开了一个问题,所以如果其他开发人员也面临同样的问题.与 HTTP 触发器类似的东西,看看这个 post.

                  Apparently, you can't have more than a couple of timer triggers in the same Azure Functions. I opened an issue on Github, so if other devs are facing the same. Something similar with HTTP triggers, look this post.



                  There are too many functions in your function app, they may interact each other. I met similar problem with this, in that case, the timer trigger functions in one function app and did not work. But when i deploy them to different function apps, they work fine. so you can try to deploy your second function to another function app.


                  And I suggest you report this problem to Microsoft, they can know more information about this problem, and may have a better solution.

                  这篇关于Azure Functions:计时器触发器和消费计划问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:Azure Functions - 无法从 Azure WebJobs SDK 调用 下一篇:azure 服务总线的 Azure Function App 延迟重试


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