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                I am trying to fire the event handler assigned to my timer mock. How can I test this private method here?

                public interface ITimer
                    void Start();
                    double Interval { get; set; }
                    event ElapsedEventHandler Elapsed;


                Client class assigns an event handler to this object. I want to test the logic in this class.

                _timer.Elapsed += ResetExpiredCounters;


                And the assigned method is private

                private void ResetExpiredCounters(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
                    // do something


                I want to have this event handler in my mock and run it somehow. How can I do this?



                I realized I was raising the event before I assigned the event handler. I corrected that but I still get this error:

                System.ArgumentException : Object of type 'System.EventArgs' cannot be converted 
                to type 'System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs'.


                _timer.Raise(item => item.Elapsed += null, ElapsedEventArgs.Empty);

                _timer.Raise(item => item.Elapsed += null, EventArgs.Empty);



                这是对我有用的东西.请注意,如果您尝试将信息传递给 Jon 在评论中指出的事件处理程序,则它没有用.我只是用它来模拟 System.Timers.Timer 类的包装器.

                Here's the thing that worked for me. Note that it's not useful if you are trying to pass info to event handler like Jon pointed out in comments. I am just using it to mock the wrapper for System.Timers.Timer class.

                _timer.Raise(item => item.Elapsed += null, new EventArgs() as ElapsedEventArgs);

                最后,如果您需要使用事件参数,这将毫无帮助,因为它始终为空.但是,这是唯一的方法,因为 ElapsedEventArgs 只有一个内部构造函数.

                In the end, this won't help at all if you need to use event arguments since it will be always null. However, it's the only way since ElapsedEventArgs has only an internal constructor.


                ElapsedEventArgs 有私有构造函数,不能实例化.

                ElapsedEventArgs has a private constructor and can not be instantiated.


                timer.Raise(item => item.Elapsed += null, new EventArgs() as ElapsedEventArgs);

                然后处理程序将接收一个空参数并丢失其 SignalTime 属性:

                Then the handler will recevie a null parameter and lose its SignalTime property:

                private void WhenTimerElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
                    // e is null.


                You might want this parameter in some cases.

                为了解决这个问题并使其更具可测试性,我还为 ElapsedEventArgs 创建了一个包装器,并让界面使用它:

                To solve this and make it more testable, I also created a wrapper for the ElapsedEventArgs, and made the interface use it:

                public class TimeElapsedEventArgs : EventArgs
                    public DateTime SignalTime { get; private set; }
                    public TimeElapsedEventArgs() : this(DateTime.Now)
                    public TimeElapsedEventArgs(DateTime signalTime)
                        this.SignalTime = signalTime;
                public interface IGenericTimer : IDisposable
                    double IntervalInMilliseconds { get; set; }
                    event EventHandler<TimerElapsedEventArgs> Elapsed;
                    void StartTimer();
                    void StopTimer();


                The implementation will simply fire its own event getting the data from the real timer event:

                public class TimerWrapper : IGenericTimer
                    private readonly System.Timers.Timer timer;
                    public event EventHandler<TimerElapsedEventArgs> Elapsed;
                    public TimeSpan Interval
                            return this.timer.Interval;
                            this.timer.Interval = value;
                    public TimerWrapper (TimeSpan interval)
                        this.timer = new System.Timers.Timer(interval.TotalMilliseconds) { Enabled = false };
                        this.timer.Elapsed += this.WhenTimerElapsed;
                    private void WhenTimerElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs elapsedEventArgs)
                        var handler = this.Elapsed;
                        if (handler != null)
                            handler(this, new TimeElapsedEventArgs(elapsedEventArgs.SignalTime));
                    public void StartTimer()
                    public void StopTimer()
                    public void Dispose()
                    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
                        if (!this.disposed)
                            if (disposing)
                                this.timer.Elapsed -= this.WhenTimerElapsed;
                            this.disposed = true;


                Now, you can simplify and improve the mock of this event:

                timer.Raise(item => item.Elapsed += null, new TimeElapsedEventArgs());
                var yesterday = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
                timer.Raise(item => item.Elapsed += null, new TimeElapsedEventArgs(yesterday));


                Less code to write, easier to work with and completely decoupled from the framework.


                上一篇:如何在 Visual Studio 2008 中为 ASP.NET 添加页面事件 下一篇:我如何知道 .net 事件是否已被处理?


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