I know that reference type will be garbage collected. I wanted to know whether value types will also be garbage collected from the stack?
很不清楚你的问题是什么意思.你能仔细定义什么是收集的垃圾"吗?方法?它的意思是是 GC 算法的输入",还是通过压缩 GC 堆来释放",还是什么?
It is very unclear what your question means. Can you carefully define what "garbage collected" means? Does it mean "are inputs to the GC algorithm", or "are deallocated by compacting the GC heap", or what?
Values stored on the stack -- whether values of value types or reference types -- are the roots of the collection algorithm. They are not collected because they are the things that are alive that keep almost everything else alive.
显然,它们并没有通过压缩 GC 堆来释放;它们通过弹出堆栈被释放.
And obviously they are not deallocated by compacting the GC heap; they're deallocated by popping the stack.
What I mean by "garbage collected" is that, if a value type variable is found not to be used by the application then it will be removed from the stack
OK, we're getting closer to an answerable question here I think. Now we need to understand what exactly you mean by "removed from the stack".
The stack is a block of pre-allocated memory one million bytes in size. Sometimes we use portions of that block of memory to store local variables of value type. What precisely do you mean by "removed from the stack"? The stack never changes in size; it's a one-million-byte block of pre-allocated memory.
堆栈分为两个连续的区域,我们将其称为有效"区域.和无效"堆栈的部分.在 x86 架构上,ESP 寄存器指向这些区域之间的边界.您是在问在什么情况下,与堆栈上的特定值类型的局部变量相关联的内存会成为基于 x86 架构上 ESP 寄存器值变化的无效部分的一部分?"
The stack is divided into two contiguous regions, which we'll call the "valid" and "invalid" sections of the stack. On x86 architectures the ESP register points to the boundary between those regions. Are you asking "under what conditions does the memory associated with a particular local variable of value type on the stack become a part of the invalid section based on a change in value of the ESP register on x86 architectures?"
This might seem like a very, very "implementation detail" version of your question. The stack is an implementation detail of a specific version of the runtime, so if you're going to ask questions about it, you're going to have to accept the fact that you're asking about a specific value in a specific register on a specific chip architecture.
I am a bit confused now to read what you have mentioned about "values" and "value types". I am finding it hard to understand the difference.
It is tricky! We use the words "value" and "reference" to mean too many things. Let me sum up.
Every variable has a type. A type can be a value type or a reference type.
A storage location contains a value.
值类型变量的值是值类型的值.例如,int 是一个值类型.int 类型变量的值是 int,例如 12.
The value of a variable of value type is a value of the value type. For example, int is a value type. The value of a variable of type int is an int, say, 12.
引用类型变量的值是对该类型对象的引用,或者为 null.例如,字符串是引用类型.string 类型变量的值是对字符串的引用,或者为 null.
The value of a variable of reference type is a reference to an object of that type, or null. For example, string is a reference type. The value of a variable of type string is a reference to a string, or null.
That's why they're called "value types" and "reference types". The value of a value type is an instance of the type. The value of a reference type is a reference to an instance of the type.