how to -change (set ) font for a column of a crystal report programatically (dont want to use 'Format editor' at design time)? whats the syntax used to access the field (column ) of detail section of the crystal report ..?
在 Crystal Report 运行时更改字体样式、字体大小和字体使用以下代码,这将正常运行:
您可以根据您的条件使用 TextObject 或 FieldObject.这里使用的是 FieldObject.
you can use TextObject or FieldObject Depending on your condition.here am using FieldObject.
FieldObject MyText (FieldObject)Repotrdocumentobject.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects[i];
MyText.ApplyFont(new Font("Arial", 11f,FontStyle.Bold));
这里i是Crystal Report中FieldObject的数量,11f是字体大小
here i is number of FieldObject in Crystal Report and 11f is font size