我开始使用 这个问题,我回答了那里,现在我在这里问更基本的问题.我已将查询简化为:
I started out with this question, which I sort of answered there, and now I'm asking the more fundamental question here. I've simplified the query down to this:
var q = from ent in LinqUtils.GetTable<Entity>()
from tel in ent.Telephones.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new {
Name = ent.FormattedName,
Tel = tel != null ? tel.FormattedNumber : "" // this is what causes the error
是一个将 Number
和 Extension
is a property that combines the Number
and Extension
fields into a neatly formatted string. And here's the error that results:
System.InvalidOperationException: Could not translate expression 'Table(Entity).SelectMany(ent => ent.Telephones.DefaultIfEmpty(), (ent, tel) => new <>f__AnonymousType0`2(Name = ent.FormattedName, Tel = IIF((tel != null), tel.FormattedNumber, "")))' into SQL and could not treat it as a local expression.
如果我将上面的引用从 FormattedNumber
更改为简单的 Number
If I change the reference above from FormattedNumber
to just plain Number
, everything works fine.
But I do want the formatted number to display nicely in my list. What do you recommend as the neatest, cleanest way of doing so?
您可以在实体上使用 AsEnumerable
You could use AsEnumerable
on the entity, but that would force it to bring back all the columns (even if not used); perhaps instead something like:
var q1 = from ent in LinqUtils.GetTable<Entity>()
from tel in ent.Telephones.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new {
Name = ent.FormattedName,
Number = (tel == null ? null : ent.Number),
Extension = (tel == null ? null : ent.Extension)
var q2 = from row in q1.AsEnumerable()
select new {
FormattedNumber = FormatNumber(row.Number, row.Extension)
其中 FormatNumber
where FormatNumber
is some method that takes the two and merges them, presumably re-used from your other (property) code.
对于 LINQ-to-SQL,另一种选择是在数据上下文中公开一个 UDF,用于在数据库内部进行格式化;一个稍微不同的例子:
With LINQ-to-SQL, another option is to expose a UDF on the data-context that does the formatting inside the database; a slightly different example:
var qry = from cust in ctx.Customers // and tel
select new {
FormattedNumber = ctx.FormatNumber(tel.Number, tel.Extension)
(which will do the work at the database; whether or not that is a good idea ;-p)
这篇关于Linq“无法将表达式...转换为 SQL 并且无法将其视为本地表达式."的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!