我一直在编写 PCX 解码器,到目前为止,PCX 图像本身解析得很好,但我不知道如何设置位图的调色板.
I have been writing a PCX decoder and, so far, the PCX image itself parses fine, but I can't work out how to set the palette of a bitmap.
I have created a bitmap like so:
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width,
But I can't seem to set the palette using the following method:
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i += 3)
Color b = new Color();
b = Color.FromArgb(palette[i], palette[i + 1], palette[i + 2]);
bmp.Palette.Entries.SetValue(b, i);
在这个例子中,我已经阅读了 pcx 文件调色板中的每个字节并将它们存储在调色板 [] 中.从那里,我用它来设置位图调色板中的条目.如何设置颜色?
In this example, I have read through each byte in the palette of the pcx file and stored them in palette[]. from there, I have used this to set the entries in the palette of the bitmap. How do I set the colours?
这也让我感到困惑.似乎 bitmap.Palette 返回位图调色板的克隆.一旦你修改了你的副本,你需要使用 bitmap.Palette = Palette
This had me confused too. It seems bitmap.Palette returns a clone of the bitmap's palette. Once you've modified your copy, you need to reset the bitmap's pallete by using bitmap.Palette = palette
, e.g.
ColorPalette palette = bitmap.Palette;
Color entries = palette.Entries;
entries[i] = new Color(...);
bitmap.Palette = palette; // The crucial statement
参见 http://www.charlespetzold.com/pwcs/PaletteChange.html