我很好奇 F# 的性能与 C++ 的性能相比如何?我问了一个关于 Java 的类似问题,我得到的印象是 Java 不适合大量的数字运算.
I am curious as to how F# performance compares to C++ performance? I asked a similar question with regards to Java, and the impression I got was that Java is not suitable for heavy numbercrunching.
我读到 F# 应该具有更高的可扩展性和更高的性能,但与 C++ 相比,这种实际性能如何?有关当前实施的具体问题是:
I have read that F# is supposed to be more scalable and more performant, but how is this real-world performance compares to C++? specific questions about current implementation are: