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        嵌入:单声道 vs lua

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                  本文介绍了嵌入:单声道 vs lua的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有兴趣了解人们在 C/C++ 应用程序中嵌入单声道(.NET 的开源实现)的经验.如何分发这样的应用程序以及依赖关系是什么?我已经在 OS X 上测试过,mono 是一个巨大的框架(数百 MB).我的应用程序的用户是否都需要这个大框架,或者可以将其剥离或将所有内容编译到主要可执行文件中.

                  I am interested in hearing about peoples experience with embedding mono (open source implementation of .NET) in a C/C++ application. How is it to distribute such an application and what are the dependencies? I have tested on OS X and mono comes as a huge framework (hundreds of MB). Do users of my app all need this big framework or can it be stripped down or everything be compiled into the main executable.

                  我以前有在 C++ 应用程序中嵌入 Lua 的经验,而且效果非常好,因为我可以将整个 lua 解释器静态链接到我的主要可执行文件中.所以我没有外部依赖.可以用mono做类似的事情吗?

                  I previously have experience with embedding Lua in a C++ app, and that works really well because I can link statically the whole lua interpreter in with my main executable. So I have no external dependencies. Is it possible to do something similar with mono?

                  这里有没有 Lua 人可以评论与 Lua 相比他们是如何发现 Mono 的?

                  Any Lua people here who can comment on how they found mono compared to Lua?

                  PS:我说的嵌入是指一个 C++ 应用程序,它初始化一个单声道环境并加载一个 .NET 程序集并执行它,然后允许在程序集中的 C# 代码和主可执行文件中的 C++ 方法之间进行通信.

                  PS: By embedding I mean a C++ application which initializes a mono environment and loads a .NET assembly and executes it and then allows for communication between say C# code in assembly and C++ methods in main executable.


                  您可能还应该看看 Mono 的 Small Footprint 页面,描述了如何嵌入更小的运行时.哎呀,他们用 Moonlight 自己做的.

                  You should probably also take a look at Mono's Small Footprint page that describes how you can embed a smaller runtime. Heck, they do it themselves with Moonlight.


                  这篇关于嵌入:单声道 vs lua的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:Lua 与 XML 的数据存储 下一篇:c++ - 如何在没有lua绑定的情况下将成员函数注册到lua


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