我正在尝试将一些 Windows 代码移植到 Linux,理想情况下是通过独立于平台的库(例如 boost),但是我不确定如何移植这部分事件代码.
I'm trying to port some Windows code to Linux, ideally through platform-independent libraries (eg boost), however I'm not sure how to port this bit of event code.
这段代码涉及两个线程(我们称它们为 A 和 B).A 想做一些只有 B 才能做的事情,所以它向 B 发送一条消息,然后等待 B 说它完成了.在 Windows 中,这看起来像:
The bit of code involves two threads (lets call them A and B). A wants to do something that only B can, so it sends B a message, then waits for B to say its done. In windows this looks something like:
void foo();//thread a calls this
void bar(HANDLE evt);
void foo()
HANDLE evt = CreateEvent(0,FALSE,FALSE,0);
bCall(boost::bind(&bar, evt));
void bar(HANDLE evt)
我查看了 boost::thread 库,但它似乎没有执行此操作的任何东西,我可以看到的关闭是 boost::condition_variable,但它似乎是与互斥锁结合使用的意思,即不是这里的情况.
I looked at the boost::thread library, but it didnt seem to have anything that does this, the closes I could see was the boost::condition_variable, but it appears that is means in conjunction with a mutex, which is not the case here.
我认为一个好的、跨平台的等价于 win32 事件的是 boost::condition,因此您的代码可能如下所示:
I think a good, cross-platform equivalent to win32 events is boost::condition, so your code could look something like this:
void foo()
boost::mutex mtxWait;
boost::condition cndSignal;
bCall(boost::bind(&bar, mtxWait, cndSignal));
boost::mutex::scoped_lock mtxWaitLock(mtxWait);
cndSignal.wait(mtxWait); // you could also use cndSignal.timed_wait() here
void bar(boost::mutex& mtxWait, boost::condition& cndSignal)