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                我必须调试一个 C++ 项目,但由于一个依赖项无法在调试模式下编译,而且我目前还无法解决该问题,我想尝试在发布模式下调试该项目.

                I have to debug a c++ project, but as one dependency doesn't compile in debug mode and I haven't been able to fix that issue so far, I'd like to try to debug the project in release mode.


                Currently the application crashes due to a null pointer, but I haven't the code that's causing the error. As break points apparently are ignored in release-mode, I'd like to know what's the best way find the error.


                在 VS 中,右键单击您的项目,选择属性".

                In VS, right click your project, chose "Properties".

                1. 单击 C/C++ 节点.将调试信息格式设置为 C7 兼容 (/Z7) 或程序数据库 (/Zi).

                1. Click the C/C++ node. Set Debug Information Format to C7 compatible (/Z7) or Program Database (/Zi).

                展开链接器并单击常规节点.将启用增量链接设置为否 (/INCREMENTAL:NO).

                Expand Linker and click the General node. Set Enable Incremental Linking to No (/INCREMENTAL:NO).

                选择调试节点.将生成调试信息设置为是 (/DEBUG).

                Select the Debugging node. Set Generate Debug Info to Yes (/DEBUG).

                选择优化节点.将引用设置为是 (/OPT:REF).

                Select the Optimization node. Set References to Yes (/OPT:REF).

                如果指定了/OPT:REF,则/OPT:ICF 默认开启.

                if /OPT:REF is specified, /OPT:ICF is on by default.


                That's ripped directly from Microsoft's documentation:

                • 如何:调试发布版本
                • OPT 优化

                我一直这样做,几乎不再在调试模式下调试了.如您所知,发布版本中发生的许多错误可能不会发生在调试版本中(几乎可以肯定是调用 UB 引起的错误).

                I do this all of the time and pretty much never debug in debug mode anymore. As you know, many errors that occur in a release build may not occur in a debug build (almost certainly the errors that arise from invoking UB).


                Also, I work on a project which uses a ton of image processing and performs a lot of compression/decompression of large images. Using a slow debug build is simply impractical.


                上一篇:在 Visual Studio 2017 中计算 AES/CCM 的时间加密 下一篇:std::numeric_limits::max 的语法错误


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